12 Items You Need for an Emergency Sleep-over Kit ...


12 Items You Need for an Emergency Sleep-over Kit ...
12 Items You Need for an Emergency Sleep-over Kit ...

I'm sure that all of us have had a few unexpected sleep-overs over the years. You crash at a friend's house, you accidentally fall asleep with your boyfriend. In the moments after you wake up, don't you always wish that you had just a couple of things to freshen yourself up? I know I do. Now, I have an emergency sleep-over kit always ready for action in the trunk of my car. The following are the items you'll need to make one of your very own!

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Toothbrush Photo Credit: happy-mami (Rebe)

This is the most important thing of all. Nothing is as unattractive as that disgusting dragon breath that you have in the morning. So go on over to your local superstore and pick up a cheap little toothbrush to keep those fangs in top shape after an unexpected night out!


Make-up Removal Wipes

Make-up Removal Wipes Photo Credit: J-Ezzy

You don't want to ruin your host's wash cloths with your mascara and eyeliner streaks. So pack up a couple of make up removal wipes and take off your mask either before bed or after you wake up!



Pajamas Photo Credit: Lulabellesview

Nothing is more uncomfortable than sleeping in jeans, so pack up a pajama set. Even if they're not very cute or you don't wear them very often. Just put a pair that you won't miss in the bag and leave them there.


Clean Underwear

Clean Underwear Photo Credit: sags350

I would hope that this goes without saying. Just buy a pair of underwear put it in the bag and forget about them. It doesn't matter if they don't match the bra you're wearing, they're clean. And that's what's really important!


A Razor

A Razor Photo Credit: galessa's plastics

If you're lucky enough to sneak in a shower before you hit the pavement you'll really want a razor. Shave away that underarm stubble or the stubble on your legs and you'll find that you feel like a whole new person!


Ponytail Holders

Ponytail Holders Photo Credit: Art Studio Katherine

If you can't wash your hair, pulling it back is about the next best thing. Be sure to have more than one ponytail, as they tend to get lost in bags pretty easily.


A Phone Charger

A Phone Charger Photo Credit: sophia_athanas

On the off chance that you need to set an alarm it would really suck if your phone dies in the middle of the night. Splurge and spend that ten dollars on a brand new phone charger to stuff in your kit. This also means that you'll have a back up when you need it! Just be sure to put it back when you're done!


A Hair Brush

A Hair Brush Photo Credit: issuez

Some of us tend to wake up with what looks like a bird's nest of hair on top of our heads. So a hairbrush is something that you'll really want in your kit. After all looking like your hair took part in a nature show while you were sleeping isn't the cutest look for anyone to try and pull off.



Deodorant Photo Credit: rachelleb

Nobody wants to be stinky and sweaty. Deodorant is a must have in any sleep over kit. Buy a travel size and leave it in your bag. Just make sure it doesn't get too hot if you buy a stick, or else it may melt.



Bobbypins Photo Credit: pinkyhonor

I know that not everyone has hair that's long enough to just throw up into a ponytail and go. So, if your hair is a little shorter or you've got lots of hair, bobbypins are a must-have in your bag! And at about a dollar for about a hundred of them, you can't really ever have too many!


A Clean Shirt

A Clean Shirt Photo Credit: 2 of 62

It is totally fine to wear the same jeans two days in a row when you've had an unexpected sleep-over but you should definitely put a shirt into your kit. If you don't, you'll look a little walk of shame like. Just take an old one that you don't wear too frequently out of your closet, fold it up and forget about it.


Make-up Essentials

Make-up Essentials Photo Credit: Miss Peach

Since I really only wear eye make up, my make up essentials consist of a kohl eyeliner pencil and a tube of mascara. But if you wear more make up than that just throw it in the bag. Just remember that make up is prone to melting in high heat so don't go over the top. Just pack up what you absolutely need, the bare essentials.

Well ladies, these are the things that you need for an emergency sleep-over kit according to me. What would you like to add to the list? Let me know down below!

Top Photo Credit: !Just_In_Time!

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