8 Things to Keep in Your Wallet ...


8 Things to Keep in Your Wallet ...
8 Things to Keep in Your Wallet ...

Sometimes you just don’t feel like carrying around a big handbag, so you’ll just slip your wallet out of your bag for an afternoon of shopping or just a quick lunch. But how embarrassing would it be to reach for your wallet and realize you didn’t have something you needed? Here are 8 things to keep in your wallet…

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Photo ID

No matter where you’re going or what your plans are, you’ll want to make sure you have your driver’s license or other photo ID. If you’re travelling outside of the US, like we do from Detroit to Canada for a day of shopping, grab your passport, too… but most days, any photo ID will do.



Cash Photo Credit: velo_city

It’s a good idea to carry a $20 bill in your wallet for those times when you’re at a restaurant, club, or shop that doesn’t accept credit or debit cards. $20 is usually a good amount, not enough that you’d be horrified if you lost it, but enough to cover lunch.


Debit Card

Debit Card Photo Credit: Bruce Sutherland

I love my debit card. It’s so much easier than carrying cash in large amount, especially if I’m going to be shopping at more than one store. Debit cards are better than credit cards because you’ll be taking the money right out of your checking or savings account, so you won’t be racking up huge bills or paying interest. In fact, DO NOT keep a credit card in your wallet, or you might be tempted to use it unwisely!


Small Change

Small Change Photo Credit: TheProgrammerAnalyst

My wallet has a compartment for change, so I make sure to keep some with me all the time. It’s perfect for parking meters, train fare, and even bubblegum, vending, or photo machines.


Lucky Token

I keep a worry stone in the change compartment of my wallet, and my boyfriend carries a Saint Christopher’s Medal with him. Keep a lucky token in your wallet, if for no other reason than it will help you identify a wallet as your own if it’s ever stolen.


Post-it Notes

Post-it Notes Photo Credit: t. bell

I keep small post-it notes in my wallet in case I’m out of business cards and want to share my information with someone, or if I need to write a note or message to myself or someone else. Most everyone will have a pen, but hardly anyone ever has anything to write on!


Blood Donor Card

Blood Donor Card Photo Credit: angelamermaid

I keep my blood donor card in my wallet for two reasons. First, it’s a good form of ID. Second, it reminds me to give blood every time I see it in there. It’s important!


Business Cards

I keep a few of my own business cards in my wallet, because you never know who you might run into while you’re out! It makes you look professional and prepared if you can hand one to someone you meet, and isn’t that why we have business cards anyway?

My daughter carries even more in her wallet than I do, but these are just a few of the things I always make sure I have in mine. What do you keep in your wallet, and why? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: dayquil_1

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Oooooooops.....Along with "these"...

Along with this I keep a photo of my happy family and band-aid!

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