10 Ways to Challenge Yourself ...


10 Ways to Challenge Yourself ...
10 Ways to Challenge Yourself ...

Every now and then life gets a little boring. It’s only a matter of time before everyday tasks make things seem more like a chore and less like a daily adventure. Why not spice it up? The female mind is a powerful thing and it needs to be stimulated. Here are 10 ways to challenge yourself and bring the pizazz back!

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Write a Novel

Write a Novel Photo Credit: toriginal

I LOVE books. With a capital “L!” It’s amazing to me that I can be whisked off to a different world, taken on a journey with people I know as well as I know myself and all without ever leaving the comfort of my favorite overstuffed chair. It’s my love of books that prompted me to attempt writing one. While it was far from the easiest thing I’ve ever done, writing that last line made me feel like a rock star. You’ll never look at books the same way again.


Learn a New Language

Learn a New Language Photo Credit: j0rune

There are over 6,000 languages spoken around the world. With that many options it only makes sense to try out a new one! There are numerous benefits to learning a foreign language. Knowing a second language makes you smarter, fosters cultural understanding, increases your job marketability and makes it easier to find Mr. Perfect while you vacation in Paris... wink

*7 Best Languages to Learn …

Frequently asked questions


Do Something That Scares You

Do Something That Scares You Photo Credit: JPhilipson

There is nothing quite like staring your fear in the face and saying, “Get out of my way!” When I was a kid I was terrified of dogs, even puppies, until one day my aunt, a German Shepherd breeder, helped me get over it. She taught me that letting fear control your life closes you off from so much that the world has to offer. And thank goodness that she did. I couldn’t even imagine a world without puppies!


Care for an Animal

Care for an Animal Photo Credit: Back in the Pack

I don’t have children, but thanks to my Aunt Rose I do have dogs (see #3). Boy oh boy, are they a handful! Despite all of the chewed up shoes, holes in the yard and all of the times my patience is tested, I still love them like crazy. They are adorable, sweet and are always there for me when I’m feeling a little down. Those puppy dog eyes get me every time...


Save a Life and Learn CPR

Save a Life and Learn CPR Photo Credit: | Syka |

I’m not a doctor (and I don’t play one on TV) but I do know how to save someone’s in the event that they stop breathing, and you can too. Learn CPR! You can check out local hospitals and police departments to see when they offer classes or check with the American Heart Association for classes in your area. Saving another person’s life is definitely a challenge but one well worth it!

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Take a Dance Class

Take a Dance Class Photo Credit: Andwan

I have no rhythm but I can manage to fake it on the dance floor by copying stuff I’ve seen on YouTube. When it comes to ballroom dancing and the tango it is a completely different story. That’s where the professionals come in. It’s not exactly easy to stand in a room full of strangers and dance like a live wire. Dancing is fun, a great stress reliever and an amazing way to work out! Plus imagine how great I’ll look at the next wedding I go to when I’m getting down!


Learn an Instrument

Learn an Instrument Photo Credit: Maureen Bond

I can beat just about anybody on Guitar Hero. Strap that little plastic guitar to my body and I’ll sweep the floor with anyone that dares to challenge me. When it comes to the real thing, I don’t bring in the encores. In addition to increasing your intellect, playing an instrument relieves stress, teaches you discipline and patience. Best of all, its fun!


Work with Your Hands

Work with Your Hands Photo Credit: trevor loken | the rendezvous photo

I’m one of those people that does really well with IKEA instructions but I’m not that great with a sewing needle. The first time I stitched a hole you would have thought I’d made an entire dress. Picking up a trade or a new hobby is a great stress reliever. Feeling really proud when you look at the fruit of all of your labor isn’t too bad either.



Explore Photo Credit: mlephotos

The world is a big place. With so many different things to see, do, hear, touch, smell, and feel it can be a little overwhelming. Why not start in your own backyard? So many interesting things happening in my city, my state, my country, I can take a road trip, have an extravagant vacation or just go check out something new around the corner and vastly different experiences each time.


Be Better than the Boys

Be Better than the Boys Photo Credit: BamaCam (Jeffrey S. Rease)

Every now and then something happens and I’m faced with a type of problem that makes me say “I need a guy.” My car makes a weird noise, I burn the steak on the grill or I can’t figure out the difference between poker and pinnacle. Dilemma? I think not. I’ll figure it out and add it to my repertoire for the next time. No problem at all, I’m a woman and I am awesome!

There you have it, 10 very different ways to challenge yourself or as I look at it, 10 different ways I can be a more awesome version of me! What is something you’ve done to challenge yourself?

Top Photo Credit: alibubba

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love this post!guess what..I've tried all of these except the dancing part!ahahhahah but the thing is I get bored easily!Geez, cant believe myself..

What a great post Jasmine! I love it :) I haven't done anything truly challenging, but I do speak fluent french, and play the saxophone. But thanks to your post, I am definitely going to take diving lessons, and also sky dive! :)

I like that last photo ;-)

Write a novel is my favorite one! I've finished one and am working on another. I completely agree, nothing compares to the feeling you get when you finish it! I suggest this one to everyone!

I plan on doing most of these. Dancing lessons are on the top of my list.

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