8 Ways to Be Sexy ...


8 Ways to Be Sexy ...
8 Ways to Be Sexy ...

What's wrong with wanting to be sexy? Nothing! As long as you are on the right side of the fine line between sexy and trashy that is. And I know a lot of women who want to suddenly turn sexy for a man. But I find that it's best when you want to do it for yourself. Here are my 8 tips to be your sizzling best!

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Dress Well...


Photo Credit: strawberrykoi

By dressing well, I do not mean dressprovocatively! Find clothes that look good on your body type and that you are comfortable with. And if you have friends whose style you admire, don't be afraid to ask them for tips. The next time you go to a store, experiment with styles and clothes you wouldn't try on normally and take along a friend who you know will give you an honest opinion. You can't go wrong at a store's dressing room!


Unique Style

Unique Style Photo Credit: .bella.

As for style, this is something that you should develop yourself over time. Sure, it’s fine to learn from idols, models, celebrities, etc. However, eventually, you will need to come up with your own style — a style that works for you and that defines you best.

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Pay Attention to Detail

Pay Attention to Detail Photo Credit: strawberrykoi

You should not use cheap/dirty underwear simply because no one is going to see it. You should not wear dirty shoes or have a purse that is messy. Never skip on the personal hygiene. You see, paying attention to those small details, such as your lingerie and shoesis important because it will bring out your inner confidence and make you feel sexy from within.


Carry Yourself Well

Carry Yourself Well Photo Credit: Elsita (Elsa Mora)

No matter how nice you look, you will not be sexy if you can't carry yourself well. If it means having to attend an etiquette or finish up modeling school, then it is well worth the investment, I think.


Stop Being Mean

Stop Being Mean Photo Credit: JolsAriella

A lot of people seem to believe that "sexy women" are snobs but it's not true. In order to be sexy, it is important that you stop being mean, obnoxious or nasty. People will love you the most when you are polite and sweet. In order to be the sexy person that you are, you should be pleasant to be around.

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Believe That You ARE Sexy!

Believe That You ARE Sexy! Photo Credit: vestedbee

How can other people think you're sexy if you don't believe it yourself. Remember that Ugly Betty episode when she keeps chanting "You are a strong, young, confident woman"? Try that! Make a concious effort in the beginning to be more sexy. Practise your flirting skills. Practise your walk in front of the mirror. What starts off as an act will soon come naturally. Believe and you will be.



Voice Photo Credit: B a r ش a </3

You cannot do much to your voice as that is nature’s gift. However, you can still do a lot about the way you talk.Learn how to speak seductively and you are going to notice people paying attention to you immediately. A voice coach could help you do this or you could always record yourself and listen to it.



Smile Photo Credit: Eric Lafforgue

Of course, you should walk around with a smile on your face. When do you see a sexy woman walking around with a frown on her face? If you are not used to smiling, then get used to it. You can try all of these other tips, but without smiling, you will not get anywhere.

Those are 10 ways to be sexy. Those are the things that I like to follow. I believe that you will have a lot of luck if you follow them as well. What do you do to be sexy? Do you need any personal tips? Feel free to ask me…

Top Photo Credit: manganite

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

One of my high school friends had a exceptional sense for dressing. She carried her outfits so well. Things I generally thought wouldn't look good looked great on her. It wasn't that she was necessarily the prettiest girl neither did she have the sexiest body. She simply smiled and wore those clothes with confidence.

Although I do agree that dressing well helps with your own confidence, but unfortunately most mens are fashion moron. For example the number one outfit for my bf is a super short skirt and a top with clevage. Or a minidress. Yeah sadly that's it. My other guy friends aren't very different from him. They never get Fashion stuff like gladiator sandals, boyfriend jeans or studs. They just think it's weird and aka my bf "a waste of the pretty" *rolls eyes* But I do agree with the "Believe that you're sexy part". My best friend once said that he finds nothing more attractive than a woman who knows she's beautiful and use it to her advantage.

:) all of this is good tips :) I think that if you have a good sense of who you are and are comfortable with that, then confidence will come hand in hand, and so will sexyness.. but instead of a forced sexyness, the real, natural one :)

Stop being mean? But how? Well does it count if I'm mean only with the guys, they like bad girls anyway. :) The more u reject them the more the are attracted to you...:))

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