We all have our fears...deep, dark secrets that we'd rather not let anyone know. Maybe it would make it easier if you realized that some fears are actually quite common and are faced by a lot of us. Here are the 10 most common fears and tips on how to overcome them...
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10. Fear of Failure
Yes, I admit, this one has always been a problem for me. The only cure, as I have realized over the years is action. When you do something about a situation that you are afraid of failing in, you will see results. Granted, they may not always be the results you want but any result will make you feel better and just a little less like a failure.
9. Fear of Rejection
Who doesn’t have this fear? Sure, some will say “Oh, I don’t care.” However deep down, they do care. They dread rejection. We all have to face it in life, even if it is rejection of our ideas. With this one, accept that it is inevitable, just keep going and move on.
8. Fear of public Speaking
Oh my goodness, I remember in elementary school when I had to deliver a speech. I had a PHOBIA! Now, I find that some planning will help you out. Also, don’t allow yourself to worry about it, don’t sit there and think of how you will do standing in front of a group of people speaking. Think of those people as your friends. You talk to your friends, right? Then why not talk to them? Overthinking it will definitely cause you to goof up.
Glossophobia, the term for public speaking anxiety, is indeed a common fear. But remember, like any fear, it can be diminished. Preparation is crucial—know your topic inside and out. Consider practicing in front of a mirror or with a supportive audience to build confidence. Keep in mind, your audience usually wants you to succeed and will be forgiving of minor mistakes. Utilize breathing techniques to stay calm; deep breaths can be remarkably soothing. Lastly, try to find joy in sharing your knowledge—it's an opportunity, not a burden. Embrace your voice and your message will shine!
7. Fear of Criticism
Who doesn’t have this fear? In order to progress with this one, you will need to grow thicker skin. Realize that other individuals are entitled to their own opinion. Let their opinion go through one ear and out the other. What matters at the end of the day is what YOU think of yourself! The key is to be confident in yourself.
6. Fear of What Others Are Thinking
Yes, I was a victim of this one, now I realize that people will think what they think and there is no stopping this one. As I said, the only thing that matters is your thoughts. As long as your thoughts about yourself are good, then you should not worry.
5. Fear of Being Alone
Yes, I am joining the club on this one. Many out there have a fear of being alone. It can be a frightening experience. If you have this fear, joining a club, a voluntary organization or a class will help you out. Do something that involves other people. Also, don't be shy to go up to strangers and make conversation.
4. Fear of Collapsing Financially
In this day and age, I do understand this fear. Even banks are falling. As for my advice, focus on your own finances and don’t get hung up on what the media is saying. Yes, they are telling you that the economy is falling and that people are doing bad. Open your eyes, people have been doing bad for a very long time. However, there are still many out there that are doing good! So, don’t let the media get to you! I know many of you will argue this one out, but that’s my opinion…
3. Fear of an Illness
Again, I’m a victim of this one. Sometimes, illnesses cannot be prevented. I know, it’s frightening, but it’s the truth. However, there are some things, such as eating the right foods and exercising, that can help lower your chances of an illness.
2. Fear of Death
Okay, there is no overcoming death and you cannot get out of life alive. However, what you can do is enjoy your life,be a better person everyday and get those morbid thoughts of that inevitable destination out of your head. Don’t fear your family members and loved ones dying. Instead, spend time with them and every minute you are living, let them know how much you love them.
1. Fear of Being Overweight
Yes, this one can be a fear, especially amongst girls. In order to get over this fear, all you have to do is eat healthy and 21 Top Exercises to Lose Weight ... @Kati. Don’t fall prey to some of those diets or pills out there, because many of them do not work. And most importantly, learn to be happy with who you are. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy but don't have impossible goals in your mind. Embrace yourself!
These may not tie in with the ideas you have of the top 10 fears and how to overcome them, but I have stepped out and given you my opinion. Yeah, many individuals actually have a fear of voicing their opinion! You may think the top ten fears involve fear of spiders, fear of frogs, fear of love and so on. We’re two different people, so of course, we think differently. So, with that in mind, tell me your top fears…
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