7 Common Beliefs All Religions Share ...


7 Common Beliefs All Religions Share ...
7 Common Beliefs All Religions Share ...

With so many religions in so many parts of the world, with so many deities, tenets, and such, one would assume they had very little in common. But that’s not true! Most organized religions have so much in common with each other, including their basic moral principles. Though it may be offensive to some people, I think it’s delightful that there’s something that can bring people together, rather than divide them! Here are 7 common beliefs all religions share.

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Protect Those Who Need It

Protect Those Who Need It Photo Credit: b•k

Islam in particular teaches that one must protect and care for those who are weaker, or those who are in need. This sense of charity and brotherhood is so important, and most other religions have a version of this as well.


The concept of compassion underscores this universal principle. From the Biblical teachings of love thy neighbor to the Hindu practice of Seva (selfless service), every faith highlights the importance of aiding those who cannot fend for themselves. Whether it's through charitable giving, volunteering, or simple acts of kindness, the sentiment remains the same — we rise by lifting others. Buddhist philosophies, too, extol the virtues of Metta (loving-kindness) as a path to enlightenment. This shared moral imperative fosters a spirit of unity and underscores our common humanity.


Don’t Kill (unless Justified)

All religions have a great respect for life, and one of the basic ideals is that killing another human (in some cases, killing another being) is wrong. Some religions make exceptions for taking a life under certain circumstances, but all religions teach that killing is immoral — and often punishable by death.


Don’t Steal

Thievery is also a no-no in most religions. In fact, even thinking about thievery is wrong, and when you think about it, most of the things that are considered immoral are theft — killing is the theft of a life, adultery is the theft of a wife.


Respect Others

Respect Others Photo Credit: Christa Watson | TheChrista.com

Respect for others is also important in most religions, which makes sense — if you respect someone, it’s unlikely you’ll lie to them, steal from them, or kill them.


Keep Your Word

Think of all of the promises you make in a day, and how many lies you tell. We all know it’s wrong to lie, to deceive, and yet we all do it. Most religions teach us that lying is wrong, especially if it causes someone else pain, and that we must always keep our word. Case in point — marriage vows.


Respect Yourself

Self-respect is also vital in most faiths. An example of this in Christianity is not abusing your body, since it’s a temple of God. Some interpret this to mean not getting tattoos, not smoking, and/or not drinking alcohol.


Live Modestly

Most religions also teach us to live modestly. This also makes sense, and can be applied to mean personal modesty or material modesty. If you’re not focused on accumulating or keeping material wealth, then you can pay more attention to spiritual matters. And many religions believe that personal modesty, especially for women, honors God.

In a perfect world, we would all obey the principles of our religion, and we’d treat each other with the respect we all deserve. We all have so much in common, so why not? Which of these religious beliefs is important to you, and why? Or is there something else in your faith that you find especially appealing? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: sadandbeautiful (Sarah)

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

this a very boring article cos its just very obvious....you should have gone into depths and researched better...sorry but its just common points....nothing special and extra ordinary...sort of reading this was pointless....though your other articles are good....i like your posts in general but not this one...

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