Is Your Friendship Worth Risking for Romantic Love?


Is Your Friendship Worth Risking for Romantic Love?
Is Your Friendship Worth Risking for Romantic Love?

The situation can go either way when you risk your friendship finding out that you are in love with him or with her: you can turn your friend into a lover and end up as a couple with a happy ending, or you can end up making things awkward for the both of you and ruin a perfectly good, platonic relationship.

So how will you know if your 'love' is worth risking your friendship? At the end of the day, it all depends on how strongly you feel for your friend. Use both your heart and your mind in making the decision. Can you bear the thought of losing a perfectly good friendship if you find out that your friend does not feel the same way? Once you blurt out your feelings, that will be the turning point of your relationship and your friendship - as it was before - can never be brought back. On the other hand, if your feelings are so strong that you just cannot bear the thought of your friend not knowing how you feel, then it is probably worth risking the friendship.

Whether your friend returns the romantic feelings that you have or not is a question which will be difficult to ask - but taking the risk of ruining your friendship is more acceptable than not letting your friend know how you feel. Who knows, if your friend secretly feels the same way about you, you just might be in for a happy ending.

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I apologize - but this is gonna be a litte on the long side.... I have been in love with the same man for 14yrs, and I finally told him. He's been one of my best friends since I was 16. Through the years we have seen our ups and downs: been thorough boyfriends and girlfriends, his failed marriage, careers, family, heartbreak and disappointment. We've survived the good, the bad and the ugly. Even survived my leaving our home town after High School, returning years later. We've gone for months without talking, then picked up right where we left off as if no time had ever passed. We talk about everything and nothing, meet for coffee or drinks at least once a week, call to check in if we miss a week. He helps me with repairs around my house, and listens and offers advice with any issue, even when my hearts been broken....yet again. My family and friends are of the opinion that we belong together, and are not shy about sharing that view point. The other night, he came over for drinks. I ecpressed to him my feelings, concerns and desires. He reciprocated, admitting that he had had the same thoughts through the years. I'm the one he trusts above all others, the one who has never crossed him. He cares about me, and even through out the "L" word.... But, its never been the right time. He currently lives with a girlfriend he's not exactly sure of, (and hasn't been for some time. They've been together 2yrs, and I've never met her,) is in the middle of changes at work, and a family crisis. He's scared. Everything is changing around him, and he isn't someone who likes change. And there I was, his best friend asking him to change EVERYTHING. We agreed that our friendship means everything, and that we would remain friends regardless of what happens down the road. It's not a chance that we want to miss, but that its something that requires thought. The option is there, and it's now up to him to take it. I'm happy I made the choice to tell him instead of suffering in silence, and was pleasantly surprised by his response. But at the same brakes my heart that the man I trust completely and care about unconditionally is still with someone else. Stuff never happens like in the movies, and this is such a movie moment... :( Good things come to those that wait...but I will not wait forever.

ok so i like this guy and were BEST FRIENDS and ive been tellin him we need to talk and he he keeps askin bout wat and i said ill tell ya later (cause ppl were around) so he said mail me so i mailed him saying that all i wanted to tell him was that i really liked him and even tho i kno he likes some other gurl idc i just wanted him to kno that i liked him and that even tho one of us may feel different bout the other one nothin can beat our friendship did i do the right thing ? or make a big mistake ?!?

I just did this, today actually. I've tried for so long to convince myself that I should not be into her. But i'm absolutely head over heels for her. I was 100% sure that she was keen too (i'm sure i wasn't being diluted). So i sent a text message to my friend explaining my feelings. (Which was an amazing feeling to know that it was finally out in the open and i would be getting a resolution). I received a reply to the effect of "i love you lots but i don't want to ruin a friendship". It didn't turn out the way i'd wanted but we are still friends (i hope). At the moment I feel like i may have scared off the most precious friend. I think it can go two ways from here: - we will become increasing awkward and avoid each other. - or from voicing my feelings, i've cleared a burden between us and will go on to reach a new level of friendship. If things are cool this time next week then i'll be happy.

After being e-mail friends with a woman for a couple of years, I recently met her during a business trip. I was attracted immediately to her looks and to her brilliant mind. We are both writers. I am going through a divorce after a 15-year marriage. We met at a party and then spent a day together. The conversation was fantastic. I was more open with her than I am with most people. By the end of our time I wanted to share how I was feeling, but I feared she might misinterpret me. Was she just being kind to someone from out of town? I have been sad and lonely, and maybe this was too obvious? Since returning home I have written her a couple of times and phoned, and she does not respond. She is a very busy person. But I worry that I lost my one opportunity for this connection. It is frustrating to have this distance between us with the only contact by very occasional e-mail or looking at her on Facebook. I wonder what her touch feels like and despair that I will never know. Is it too impersonal - or too needy - to send her an e-mail saying what I have been thinking about? Is it normal to feel this lovelorn?

Todd, I'm with Sheila. Gotta stop the nagging (?) bit and let her heart just decide on its own. And yes, do keep up posted. I'm sure she'll come around because I'm sure you're a great catch. :)

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