8 Reasons to Never Hit Your Kids ...


8 Reasons to Never Hit Your Kids ...
8 Reasons to Never Hit Your Kids ...

I think that many of the 8 reasons not to hit your kids that I’ve listed below should be common sense. Kids are so precious and delicate as well. They are to be taught the wonders of the world and shouldn’t have to fear their parents. There is already so much going on for them to have to worry about later on in life. Childhood should be synonymous with happiness.

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It Sends the Message That Hitting is Okay

Children who are hit often become hitters themselves. They tend to think that the solution to a situation is to hit the person causing the problem. I’ve seen parents who tell their child to quit hitting another child as they are in the process of hitting their own child. I always thought this was sending mixed signals. How can you tell a child not to hit when you are hitting them? Parents are supposed to be role models.


There Are Other Ways to Discipline Children

Plenty of alternatives to hitting have been devised for disciplining kids successfully. Suggestions are always offered in parenting magazines, from specialists, and people in the education system attend classes that deal with various ways to discipline kids. Some other methods of discipline include; time outs, taking away a favorite toy, removal from a group of friends, or simply having a chat with the child as to what is wrong about his/her behavior. The type of discipline used will depend on the child, since all kids don’t react to the same techniques.

Frequently asked questions


Child Abuse is Illegal

Even if it wasn’t illegal, would you feel more compelled to hit your child? I would hope not. Child abuse laws are in place to protect the welfare of children and to keep them from becoming a victim of something they have no control over. Children are too small to stand up to an adult when there is physical strength involved. Some people feel superior when they can show they are stronger than a weaker person. I’ve always felt compelled to protect the weak, whether it’s a child, animal, or even an adult.


Serious Physical Injuries Can Occur

Most adults are a lot stronger than children. Bruises, broken bones, lost teeth and various other injuries are likely to occur when an adult strikes a child. All it takes is one simple swipe of the hand to cause an injury. Many children have even been hospitalized after being hit by an adult. They are a less durable than people make them out to be. Children should be treated like a small care package. They should be protected from injury, not caused injury.


It Doesn’t Solve Anything

I never understood how hitting a child is supposed to solve the issue at hand. Parents who hit to prove a point aren’t proving anything, other than they are bigger and able to cause pain. I don’t see how this proves anything to the child who was struck. Children need to know what they did that was wrong. Simple striking a child and not actually explaining why their behavior is unacceptable doesn’t help the child to think before doing next time. If anything, this makes them feel like they need to be sneaky about what they do.

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You Need to Show Your Children How to Behave

Adults should be role models for children. Explaining to kids what is wrong and why something shouldn’t be done will teach them better reasoning later on in life. If they are able to work out their own problems with reasoning, then they are less likely to have built up anger. This will also teach them to resolve issues without resorting to violence. I’ve always explained things to my son. Granted, you’ll have to remember to use age-appropriate explanations, but kids do understand a lot more than adults give them credit for.


Hitting Doesn’t Teach the Idea of Love

In general, kids respond a lot quicker to love then they do to violence. I don’t feel that hitting a child and then telling them you love them sends the right signal. I remember being swatted ‘for my own good’ when I was little. Even as an adult, it still doesn’t make sense to me. I remember the swats, but I have no idea what they were for. However, the times that my parents actually explained to me what went wrong, I do remember.


They’re Kids

This is a simple one. Kids are tiny human beings who need love and encouragement, not rage and violence. Life is too short to let kids miss out on simply being a kid. When they are fearful of getting hit for something they have done, this causes them to be less free in enjoying their childhood.

I’m sure you already have more than 8 reasons not to hit your kids, but I thought I’d share mine with you. Do you have any reasons that are different than the ones I’ve mentioned above? Which is number one on your list?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank you so much Shay...I feel the exact same way. I'm 16 and I was spanked when younger but that was only after multiple warnings. There are other techniques people use such as 'thinking corner' or 'time out' but I distinctly remember being completely bored when put into that sort of situation...not disciplined whatsoever. It's just crazy how spanking your child has become such a taboo in the American society. Using leather belts or metal spoons is hardly okay, though. Just a simple hand will do.

There's a point where almost all forms of discipline stop working, so to speak. What happens when this point is reached with spanking? Or what about if you accidentally spank your child too hard? Moreover, f I spanked a disabled person with the mental age of a child, and who can still understand in relatively simple terms the concepts of 'right' and 'wrong', would that be right? What about if I did it to a fully grown adult who should know better but simply didn't learn these things earlier in life? Just my two cents.

I can understand where you're comming from, but I find nothing wrong with spanking, personally. It's one thing to BEAT your child, but spanking them on the butt after they've been TOLD SEVERAL TIMES not to do something is sometimes the only way a child will stop. Lots of kids will see time-outs as something boring, but won't necessarily be affected by them. I'm fifteen and I would get spanked when I was younger, just because sometimes other forms of discipline wouldn't affect me and wouldn't make me stop. If I didn't listen to my parents and CONTINUED to do what they'd told me not to do, then they would spank me. I was ALWAYS given warnings and told WHY I shouldn't do what I'd been doing before they resorted to spanking. There was never a time in my life when I thought my parents didn't love me. I don't hit people and I'm not violent, and I've never met another person who was spanked when they were younger who isn't the same way as I am. I respect my parents, most of my friends whose parents didn't believe in spanking are not very respectful towards their parents, and don't take them seriously now in their teenage years when their parents discipline them. Now, like I said, there is a HUGE difference in spanking and beating. Spanking should not leave your child bruises, welts, or make them bleed. It all really comes down to how YOU want to discipline your children, but keep in mind, most of us who were spanked, were NOT abused and our parents were NOT violent beating machines.

#1 It's not ok doing child abuse because your child may do the same thing as you do when they grow up so please make sure you treat your child with care

You still need such arguments, to piont out that hitting your children is wrong! Really shocking to me ... Violence is never an option! And spanking is violence too. No adult would accept, that he is spanked by another adult for well not eating up or not cleaning his or her room. even if there were warnings before. so why should it be okay for children!? there are definitley better educational methods like spanking! If my parents would have ever spanked me, I would have lost my respect of them.

I think sometimes spanking is necessary but it should be used when all other methods fail permanently.

And what if your parents slap you, yell at you, blackmail you, and spank you with a wood stick or a belt?

I completely agree with Shay and Hannahdear ... I beleive this post is directed at those who would hit their children ramdomly and repeatedly!

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