5 Ways to Find a Relationship with Your Future Mother-in-Law ...


5 Ways to Find a Relationship with Your Future Mother-in-Law ...
5 Ways to Find a Relationship with Your Future Mother-in-Law ...

Now that your engaged to the love of your life, how do you** **deal with his or her mother? From the moment you met her there was some tension in the air. She didn't like the way you dressed, she didn't like your hair, or she just didn't think you were good enough for her son or daughter. So how do you fix these issues before you settle in with your soon-to-be spouse? Not to worry here are 5 tips that may help you have a relationship with her before you call off the wedding.

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Don't Put Your Fiance in the Middle...

Don't Put Your Fiance in the Middle... Your fiance loves his mom and that love isn't going any where. If you want to marry him and have a** happy marriage**, don't put him in the middle of the battle you have with his mother. Or vice versa, men don't put her in the middle of the battle you have with her mother. It's between the two of you, not the three of you**.** Putting down their mother isn't going to make anyone happy. No one likes to hear that their mother is annoying or a control freak.** **Learn how to deal with the future mother-in-law without making your fiance upset. However, you can ask your fiance for advice because they know their mother better than you do. Your fiance wants you two to get along, so do your best to put on a happy face.

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Talk to Her...

Talk to Her... Invite her out to lunch or a girl's day out on the town shopping to have a nice day with just the two of you. Tell her that you love her son and that he means the world to you, complement her on raising such a wonderful person. Then clear the air with her, find out what the problem is. Maybe she is afraid of losing her son so reassure her that she is gaining a daughter. Does she have another daughter-in-law that doesn't like her or that she has problems with? Tell her that you want her in your life and that she will be included in many aspects of you and your fiance's life together. Finally ask her if she would like to help out with the wedding, sometimes mother-in-laws don't play a big part and this may make them feel left out so don't forget to include her on your special day and during the planning process. The same goes for men, take your future mother-in-law out to lunch and tell her that her little girl will be taken care of.

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Give Her Evidence...

Give Her Evidence... If you both are truly, madly in love with each other and make each other happy then show your mother-in-law the evidence. Take her out on a day trip where the three of you go some place you enjoy or better yet some place your fiance really enjoys. If she sees that you enjoy the hobbies their son or daughter enjoy then this gives her evidence that you will make them a happy person and will have a happy marriage. Whatever you do don't pretend to enjoy yourself because she will see right through you. If you don't like the outdoors then go to your fiance's favorite restaurant or see a broadway play if this is what you both enjoy doing together. At the end of the day she will truly see the love you share and will be thankful that her child has found such a wonderful person.

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It Takes Time...

It Takes Time... Forming a relationship and a bond with anyone takes time, your relationship with your future mother-in-law isn't going to happen over night. For some it may take a long time to eventually get her to open up, that doesn't mean that she doesn't like you or that you did something wrong. Keep trying but don't smother her.** One day out together isn't going to make you two best friends, she needs to see who you really are and get to know you. I was lucky enough that my future mother-in-law took to me right away and has continued to show love and kindness. **I could only hope that everyone has a mother-in-law that they can bond with. If anything try to show each other respect.

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After the Wedding...

After the Wedding... Celebrate the good times like holidays, birthdays, and Mother's Day with your new mother-in-law but also celebrate with her on any day. Call her** up, stop by her house and keep her in the loop. She is an important person to your spouse and now she is an important person in your life as well as you are an important person in her life. When the grandkids come let her know that she is a wonderful grandmother...this being that she acts **like a wonderful grandmother!

Hope for the best and try to keep a positive attitude towards her. If she nags you about your housecleaning or lack there of just keep smiling, you don't need to give her any excuses for being the busy mother or father, wife or husband, business woman or man that you are...not everyone can be perfect like her!

*Wanna Tame Your Mother-in-Law?

**What's your relationship like with your Mother-in-law? **

**Source Credit: **Articlesbase.com

Photo Credit: EW.com, blog.jimmychengphotography.com, Sakuraphotography.com, wedding.knsaber.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hey Xannyyy, That's so great to hear that you get along with your Mother-in-law...it really helps with the relationship you have with your fiance/husband. I get along with my Future Mother-in-law as well. :) I hope this article helps your friends. Thanks for sending it to her and stopping by my other posts. Have a wonderful weekend!

lol I was just talking with a friend, and we decided 1st impressions count, so no 1. should be hide all tattoos until she likes you.

You're a doll suburbangrandma! Bombchell I was actually just meeting my future mother-in-law for the first time when I had just gotten a tattoo and showed it to her and my future sister-in-laws! But in some cases I think that may be the truth! Def make a great 1st impression.

It definitely improved my selective hearing sense...for sure. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving such nice comments.

So, I finally got over here to read ... good advice! As for Suburbangrandma ... CRAZY!! Never in a million years!!! She must be the most patient and sweetest person out there. I think it can be done, but not in my house. ;o) Surprising that kids were concieved ... lol!

I live in midle east and here it is normal to live with your in-laws. Well not as much now as in the old days but stil there is nothing strange in it for us. Since I got married I have been living with my in-law family which included his mother, 2 brothers and a sister. They all eventually got married and moved out but the mother is still with us. Its 27 years that I am married. Sure it gets on my nerves sometimes and sure sometimes I just want to pack and go but most of the time it is not that bad. I think the trick is to remember that we are not perfect either and even if it were your own mother you would have different views and approaches to things.This would help you to let go on a lot of things said and you wouldn't want to go for a tit for tat.

Wow they stayed for 24 years. I think you and your husband deserve an award for that! I bet you're a strong minded person because of it. Thanks for always sharing suburbangrandma! :)

Hi Sara!! Thanks for checking out my Mother-in-law post that was inspired by your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you can find better common ground with your mother-in-law. It is surprising how any time alone can be had with a mother-in-law in the house...or any long term house guests for that matter! :)

Thanks for checking out my post Kyle...glad you like the tips! :)

Great tips! (:

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