21 Essential Open Relationship Rules to Know ...


21 Essential Open Relationship Rules to Know ...
21 Essential Open Relationship Rules to Know ...

This is the 21st century, a time when cellphones and laptops rule the world. A time when relationships aren't as conventional as they used to be. People are in open relationships, and although they're open, they're still RELATIONSHIPS and relationships have rules. The following are rules that will make your open relationship work, by keeping things open, but giving yourself boundaries, so things don't spiral too far out of control!

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In an open relationship your partner doesn't need all the gory details about your sex life with other people, but it is very important to make sure that they know when you are having relations with other people. You need to keep your relationship honest, just like in any other kind of relationship.


Honesty is essential in any kind of relationship, including open relationships. Open relationships require even more honesty and communication, as it is important to keep both partners informed of any other relationships they may be engaging in. It is important to be honest with your partner about who you are seeing and when, and to make sure they are comfortable with the situation. It is also important to be honest about your feelings and to communicate openly with your partner about any issues that may arise.

Open relationships require both partners to be honest with each other and to trust each other. This means being honest about your feelings and intentions, and being open and honest about any other relationships you may be engaging in. It is important to be honest about your boundaries and expectations, and to be respectful of your partner's boundaries and expectations as well.

It is also important to be honest about any risks involved with engaging in open relationships. This includes discussing any potential health risks, such as the risk of STIs, as well as any emotional risks that may be involved. It is important to be honest about any potential risks and to discuss them openly with your partner.


No Unprotected Sex outside of the Relationship

This is more of a health issue. You and your partner may be sharing yourselves with other people but you don't want to share anything else. Use protection, you and your partner will both feel much better about things when that load is taken off of your mind.

Frequently asked questions

There are a ton of ways to set up rules for an open relationship, but some of the basics include clear communication, honesty, respect for boundaries, safe sex practices, and regularly checking in with your partner.

Setting boundaries is super personal! It can start with discussing what you’re comfortable with and what makes you uncomfortable. Make lists if you need to, and be as specific as possible. Don’t forget, these boundaries can evolve!

Examples might include rules about emotional involvement, guidelines on physical activities, or even simple things like no sleepovers. Everyone’s boundaries will look different, and that’s totally okay.

It's a good idea to have regular check-ins. Some couples like weekly, while others might prefer monthly. The key is to make sure both partners feel heard and are on the same page.

Trust is built on honesty and communication. Be open about your feelings and experiences. And always respect the rules and boundaries you’ve set together. Trust takes time to build but is crucial in making an open relationship work.


No Sex with Mutual Friends

Mutual friends are tricky ground. So, instead of trying to circumnavigate that troubled land, stay away. Mutual friends should stay in the friend zone. That way, it doesn't put a strain on the friendships or your relationship. Open relationships should be as comfortable as possible for both you and your partner.


No Sex with Other People in the Bed You Share

As I said before, open relationships are relationships just like anything else. If you and your partner share a house then be respectful, do NOT have sex with someone in the bed that you and your partner share. That is taking openness to a level where it shouldn't be. Unless you and your partner have both talked about it, sex outside the relationship should take place outside of the home.


Open relationships, or non-monogamous relationships, are becoming increasingly popular in today's society. They involve two or more people who are in a relationship and are open to having sexual or romantic relationships with other people. While open relationships can be a great way to explore new experiences and have fun, there are some essential rules that should be followed to ensure everyone is comfortable and respected.

One of the most important rules to follow in an open relationship is to not have sex with other people in the bed that you and your partner share. This is taking openness to a level where it shouldn't be unless both partners have discussed it and agreed to it. Sex outside of the relationship should take place outside of the home.

It is also important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about any other partners you may be seeing. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that everyone’s feelings are being respected.

It is also important to practice safe sex and to be aware of any STDs that may be passed between partners. Both partners should be tested for STDs before engaging in any sexual activities with other partners.



Respect is very important. You're both doing things with other people outside of the relationship but that doesn't mean that your respect should leave the relationship. Don't flaunt your sexual partners to your partner to get under their skin. Be open without being hurtful.


Respect is a key factor in any relationship, but it is especially important in an open relationship. Respect means that you and your partner should be honest and open about your activities outside of the relationship, without trying to hurt each other. Respect also means that you should not flaunt your sexual partners to your partner in order to make them feel bad. Respect is essential for any relationship, and it is even more important in an open relationship.

In an open relationship, it is important to have clear boundaries and rules that both partners agree to. This can include how often you and your partner can see other people, whether or not you can be intimate with other partners, and how you communicate with each other about your activities. It is also important to establish ground rules for communication and to be honest with each other about your feelings.

It is also important to remember that an open relationship does not mean that you are free to do whatever you want without consequence. You and your partner should still be respectful of each other and of the relationship. This includes being honest and open about your activities, and being respectful of each other's boundaries.

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Be Comfortable

When setting your rules, know exactly how far you're willing to go, and how far you're comfortable with your partner going with other people. If you're not comfortable with them sleeping with people that they already know, you need to be open about that. The only way to make an open relationship work is by being honest about what makes you comfortable and what doesn't.


When setting rules for an open relationship, it is important to be comfortable with the boundaries that are in place. This means being honest about what makes you feel comfortable and what doesn't. For example, if you are not comfortable with your partner sleeping with people they already know, you need to be open about it. It is also important to consider the level of commitment and emotional involvement that is acceptable in the relationship. This can vary from person to person, and it is important to discuss these expectations with your partner. Additionally, communication is key in any relationship, and it is especially important in open relationships. Both partners should be open and honest about their desires, needs, and expectations. This can prevent misunderstandings and help create a trusting and secure environment. Lastly, it is important to be aware of any potential risks that come with an open relationship, such as the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Taking the necessary precautions and talking to your partner about any worries or concerns can help make sure that everyone is safe and happy.


NO Cheating

In an open relationship cheating is a little more difficult to define than in a monogamous relationship. In an open relationship boundaries are set before the relationship is opened up to other people. So, keep following those rules and guidelines. Breaking them is still cheating. Even if your partner okays you sleeping with other people.


In an open relationship, it is important to set boundaries before beginning the relationship. This is to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the arrangement and to avoid any potential misunderstandings. Cheating is still possible in an open relationship, even if one partner has given the other permission to be with other people. Cheating is defined as breaking the boundaries that have been set, regardless of any agreement between the partners.

It is important to be honest with each other about what is and isn't acceptable in the relationship. This could include setting boundaries around communication, sexual activities, and meeting other people. It is also important to be respectful of each other's boundaries and to be aware of any changes that need to be made to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the arrangement.

It is also important to be honest and open with each other about any feelings or emotions that arise due to the open relationship. This includes discussing any jealousy or insecurity that may arise due to the presence of other people in the relationship. It is also important to remember that an open relationship doesn't mean that one partner is free to do whatever they want without considering the feelings of the other.


Sex with Other People Shouldn't Interfere with Your Plans

I cannot stress enough how much an open relationship is a relationship. You still spend time with each other and do the things that other people do. So, it is absolutely not okay to break plans with your significant other to go and have extracurricular sex with someone else. That's taking the importance from your relationship and placing it all in sex which is not what an open relationship is about.


Open relationships are becoming increasingly popular, with more couples opting to explore non-monogamy. This type of relationship can be beneficial for those looking to explore their sexuality, but it is important to remember that there are still rules to be followed. One of the most important rules is that sex with other people should not interfere with plans with your significant other. An open relationship is still a relationship, and you should make time to spend quality time with your partner.

It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner in an open relationship. This includes discussing your boundaries and expectations, as well as discussing any issues that may arise. Open communication is key to making sure that both partners are comfortable and that the relationship is healthy.

It is also important to practice safe sex in an open relationship. This means using condoms or other forms of protection when engaging in sexual activities with other people. It is also important to be honest about any STDs or other health issues that you or your partner may have.


Avoid Introductions

Don't introduce your partner to any of your lovers. The situation will be uncomfortable for everyone involved. If your partner wants to see whom you're sleeping with, then show them a photograph. There's no reason to intentionally put two of your conquests in the same room.


Open relationships can be a great way to explore different types of relationships, and it's important to have a set of rules to ensure that everyone involved is comfortable. One of the essential rules of open relationships is to avoid introducing your partner to any of your other lovers. Doing so can create an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved and make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.

If your partner wants to know who you are seeing, it is better to show them a photograph or video instead. This way, everyone can remain at a safe distance and maintain respectful boundaries. It's also important to remember that introducing two of your conquests in the same room can lead to a variety of potential problems.

In addition to avoiding introductions, it is also important to be honest and open with your partner about your other relationships. Communicating your needs and boundaries with your partner can help create a safe and secure environment for everyone involved. It is also important to practice safe sex and use protection when engaging in sexual activities with multiple partners. Finally, it is important to maintain open communication with your partner and be respectful of their feelings, needs, and boundaries. Following these guidelines can help ensure that everyone involved in an open relationship is comfortable and safe.


The Situation Can Be Temporary

Remember that you don't have to be in an open relationship for the rest of your life. Every few weeks, you should talk to your partner about whether they're happy with the current situation or if they want to be monogamous again. Your open relationship may last for years, or only a few days.


Open relationships can be a great way to explore different types of relationships and build trust between partners. However, it is important to set some ground rules in order to ensure that both partners feel comfortable and respected.

Firstly, it is important to be honest and open about your feelings and desires. It is also important to be honest about any past or current partners that you have. This will help to build trust and respect between you and your partner.

It is also important to set boundaries. Decide what activities are allowed and what activities are off-limits. This will help to prevent any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Additionally, make sure that both partners are comfortable with any activities that may occur and that all activities are consensual.

It is also important to communicate regularly. Talk about how each of you are feeling and what you would like to do in the relationship. This will help to ensure that both partners are on the same page.

Finally, remember that the situation can be temporary. Every few weeks, it is important to talk to your partner about whether they are happy with the current situation or if they want to go back to a more monogamous relationship. The open relationship may last for years or only a few days.


Be Emotionally Healthy

It's incredibly important that both of you are emotionally healthy before you decide to see other people. If one of you isn't ready for an open relationship, then neither of you can't be a part of one. You need to be on the same page in order for things to work. You wouldn't want your partner to fall into a depression, because they did something they weren't emotionally ready to do.


In an open relationship, it's crucial for both partners to be emotionally healthy and ready for the arrangement. This means being able to communicate effectively, handle jealousy and insecurities, and have a strong sense of self-worth. Without these qualities, an open relationship can lead to emotional turmoil and damage to the relationship. It's important to have open and honest discussions about boundaries, expectations, and feelings before embarking on an open relationship. Additionally, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in maintaining emotional health while in an open relationship.


Know How to Handle Jealousy

Even if you're 100% happy being in an open relationship, you'll still feel pangs of jealous. It's only natural. When the person you love is being pleasured by another person, it's difficult to ignore your jealousy. However, as long as you can handle those feelings, there's no reason to end your arrangement.


Jealousy is a common emotion in any romantic relationship, and open relationships are no exception. However, it is important to learn how to handle these feelings in order to maintain a healthy and successful open relationship. This may involve communicating openly with your partner about your feelings, setting boundaries, and finding ways to cope with jealousy in a healthy manner. It is also important to remember that jealousy does not mean you are not happy in the relationship, but rather a natural reaction to a situation that can be managed with effective communication and trust.


Explain Situation to Other Lovers

If you decide to sleep with someone you meet at a bar, make sure they're aware of your situation. You don't want to lead them on. If they assume that you're single, they could end up falling for you and making a mess of your life.


It is important to communicate openly and honestly with potential partners about your open relationship status. This not only avoids confusion and hurt feelings, but also ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and consenting to the arrangement. It is also important to establish boundaries and expectations with your partner before engaging in any sexual activities with others. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts down the line. Additionally, make sure to regularly check in with your partner and discuss any changes or updates to your open relationship agreement.


Let Him do What You do

Make sure your arrangement is fair. If you're allowed to sleep with a coworker, then your partner should be allowed to do the same. You two should be treated equally. If one of you has more freedom than the other does, things won't work out well.


In an open relationship, it is important to establish fair and equal boundaries for both partners. This means that if one partner is allowed to sleep with a coworker, the other should also have the same freedom. This ensures that both individuals are treated equally and avoids any feelings of resentment or inequality. Additionally, unequal arrangements can lead to conflicts and ultimately, the downfall of the relationship. It is crucial to have open and honest communication to ensure that both partners are comfortable with the agreed upon boundaries. Remember, in an open relationship, both partners have the right to explore and experience new things, as long as it is done with mutual respect and consent.


Don't Tell Everyone about It

You need to tell your lovers about your arrangement, but you probably shouldn't tell your parents. People can be judgmental, so if you wish to avoid stares, keep your private life private. No one else needs to know the details of your relationship.


In addition to keeping your open relationship private from family and friends, it is also important to establish boundaries with other potential partners. This includes being honest about the nature of your relationship and any expectations or limitations that have been set. It is also essential to communicate openly and frequently with your primary partner to ensure that both parties are comfortable and on the same page. Additionally, it is important to prioritize safe sex practices and regularly get tested for STIs to protect yourself and your partners. Remember, open relationships require open and honest communication to be successful.


Don't Feel Bad

If you feel guilty about kissing someone other than your partner, then there's no point in being in an open relationship. You should feel comfortable doing as you please, because you set ground rules with your partner. As long as you don't break them, you shouldn't feel guilty about your activities.


In an open relationship, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your boundaries and expectations. This includes discussing any potential feelings of guilt or discomfort that may arise from being intimate with others. However, it is also important to remember that as long as both partners have agreed upon the rules and boundaries of the relationship, there is no need to feel guilty about exploring outside connections. Open relationships can be a healthy and fulfilling way for couples to maintain their individuality while also maintaining a strong bond with their partner.


Have Fun

If you're not having a good time, then what's the point? You shouldn't be in an open relationship, because your partner pressured you to be in one, or because you think it'll help your relationship. You have to do it because you want to. Having fun is your priority.


In an open relationship, it's important to prioritize having fun. This means being in the relationship because you genuinely want to, not because of pressure or expectations. It also means being open to exploring new experiences and enjoying them with your partner. Having fun can also help strengthen your relationship and create a positive, enjoyable dynamic. However, it's important to communicate with your partner and make sure both of you are on the same page about what constitutes as fun and what boundaries should be respected. Ultimately, having fun should be a top priority in any open relationship.


Don't Fall in Love

You aren't playing the field in order to fall in love. You're already in a relationship, so you should avoid getting attached to anyone that you sleep with. Keep things sexual, because if you get emotionally invested in someone else, your relationship will fall apart.


Open relationships can be a great way to explore different types of relationships and connection with other people, but it's important to establish a few rules to keep your relationship healthy and safe. Don't Fall in Love is one of the essential rules to follow when in an open relationship. Falling in love with someone outside of your primary relationship can put a strain on your existing relationship and cause a lot of hurt and confusion. It's important to remember that the purpose of an open relationship is to explore different types of relationships, not to find a replacement for your main relationship.

If you feel yourself getting emotionally attached to someone, take a step back. Talk to your partner about your feelings and make sure you both agree on the boundaries of your relationship. It's also important to practice safe sex in an open relationship. Make sure you both know each other's sexual history and get tested regularly for STDs. If you're not comfortable with the idea of your partner having sex with someone else, it's important to discuss this with them and make sure you both feel comfortable with the boundaries of the relationship.

Open relationships can be a great way to explore different types of relationships, but it's important to have a clear understanding of the boundaries and expectations before getting involved.


Still Show You Care

You're in an open relationship, not broken up. That means you're still going to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. You're still going to go out on dates and say how much you love each other. The affection shouldn't stop.


Don't Leave Them Hanging

If you share a house together, don't sleep over a lover's house without alerting your partner. They deserve to know where you are, so don't keep secrets. There are some things better left unsaid, but if your partner asks you a question, you should be respectful enough to answer it honestly.


Continue Only if You're Happy

If both of you are happy, then keep your open relationship going. If one of you are miserable, then it's time to end it. You can either be monogamous or you can completely break up. Happiness is the end goal, so if you're unhappy, things need to change.

Now ladies, if you're thinking about opening up your relationship remember these rules. Be comfortable and open with your partner and remember that being in an open relationship does not mean that you get to just have sex with a bunch of people while still sleeping with one partner. You're still in a relationship and it's very important not to devalue that. Do you have any questions or comments? Let me know down below!

This article was written in collaboration with Holly Riordan.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I had an ex that asked if I would consider an open relationship when he moved to another town. I wasn't interested and the relationship ended shortly after because he wasn't willing to work through the distance. Now I am starting a relationship with a new guy and he is with another woman who he has been on again off again with for years. We are planning on living together in another state soon and I want to be with him. I love him and he is good to me. I am willing to do an open relationship but I don't want to be in the same room when they are on the phone or see them together. I also don't want to sleep with anyone else right now cause I am happy. I feel comfortable sharing him with this other woman but I don't want to share myself sexually with other men. Can it work this way? Honestly it kinda freaks me out cause I've never done this before but I have been hurt so many times that this makes me feel the most comfortable.

Hello, thanks for the article! I am considering talking this type of relationship over with my SO. We are completely open and honest so I am not worried about that conversation, however, I am looking to go into med school soon and am worried that I will be discriminated against if people find out I have an alternative relationship. I don't want to hide anyone away, but at the same time I don't want to have to explain it to my family either.

Simple, and eye catching--I loved this article, and anything that promotes a open mind. I recently published an article on me website about open relationships, and I embedded a link to your article. Good job, it was pleasing and sex positive!

This is great advice on how to make a open relationship work or even how to introduce the concept into an already steady relationship. But, in your opinion is an open relationship a good why to prevent cheating? Suppose, if you have a partner that is trying to be monogamous, but has a history and nature to be polyamorous. Would this be helpful in keeping the relationship secure?

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