Jennifer Aniston Legs and Other Pics to Add to Your FitSpiration ...


Jennifer Aniston Legs and Other Pics to Add to Your FitSpiration ...
Jennifer Aniston Legs and Other Pics to Add to Your FitSpiration ...

Forget all about muscled pecs, six-pack abs, C-cups or tiny waists. Both men and women have a particular body part which makes a member of the opposite sex more attractive to them.

So here's the list of the best set of stems that you can find in celebs, from Jennifer Aniston's legs to Paris Hilton's gams, here's the list of both Men and Women's top picks on ideal female legs. Taking into consideration the fact that both sexes have a different set of standards when it comes to what makes the perfect legs, we divided the list into two:

Men's Top List:

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1. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston She may not be playing Rachel Greene anymore, but men think that Jennifer Aniston's legs are the ultimate set of gams that they can lay their eyes on. From the Braun study, Jen seemed to have a lot of male "Friends" who gave her high marks for having ideal proportions and silky skin.


With her effortlessly toned physique, Jennifer Aniston embodies fitness goals for many admirers. Despite the passing of time since her days at Central Perk, her dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is evident. Her legs, often highlighted during red carpet appearances, reflect a combination of cardio, yoga, and a nutritious diet. Women around the globe aspire to achieve a similar balance of strength and grace, finding inspiration in her workout routine and holistic approach to wellbeing. Whether in her movie roles or during casual outings, her legs continue to showcase the results of a committed fitness regimen.

2. Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz She used those gorgeous legs to kick some serious ass in the Charlie's Angels movies – and men seemed to love it. Cameron Diaz' athletic limbs placed second on our list.

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3. Elizabeth Hurley

Elizabeth Hurley Hmmm… I wonder why this list is getting to be populated by not-so-young yet still gorgeous women? I think the men might have been a little swayed by her being English.

4. Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria Eva Longoria's petite frame is perfectly set off by her great-looking legs.

5. Blake Lively

Blake Lively Blake Lively has slender, fit and not to mention long legs that every woman wants to have. She frequently works out for movies in order to tighten her body and prevent injuries, so it is no surprise that her already legs for days look better and better with each movie!

6. Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough If there was anybody that completely had to make this list, it would be Julianne Hough. Unlike many other stars that are just born with slim legs, Julianne Hough actually worked for these sexy stems through years of dancing. Now these legs are not just skin and bones, there is muscle that beautifully defines her legs!

7. Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr Miranda Kerr may not be a Victoria's Secret model anymore but she still has a rocking body that is topped off with one of the best pairs of jaw dropping legs. This model keeps her slim, long and fit legs in shape through exercise and healthy diet.

Honorable Mentions: Kelly Brook, Jessica Simpson & Christina Aguilera

Women's Top List:

1. Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham Mrs. David Beckham may always be sporting a model's pout but women sure as hell are envious of her slim, Posh-like legs. Vicky topped the list for the best legs in the industry, based on women's standards.

2. Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen Naturally, the modeling world is not lacking for the best set of legs. Gisele Bundchen placed second on what women consider to be the most perfect legs ever!

3. Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley Not only are the women envious of Keira for having played leading lady to some of the most gorgeous men in her films – but they are also envious of those long lassy legs.

4. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Generally, what women are looking for and what they want their own legs to be is slim, silky-smooth and well-shaped. Paris Hilton seems to have all of that (and of course a lot more!).

5. Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood This country singer is a runner which explains her ultra toned calves and thighs! The singer admitted herself that exercise alone is not the only reason for her gems since she was lucky enough to inherit the 'good genes'. This just makes me want to be related to her!

6. Beyonce

Beyonce Slim and slender legs are not the only ones that are considered to be beautiful and sexy because fuller and muscular stems can be just as attractive, if not even more! And Beyonce is here to prove it!

7. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow is known to have rigorous daily workouts and strict diets, and in the end her hard work pays off! Just take a look at gorgeous pair of legs and they will make you want to hit the gym more often.

8. Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried Amanda Seyfried's may be gifted with an acting ability but she has also received the gift of a sexy pair of legs! And it is no doubt that her beautifully sculptured legs have really taken her far in life.

There you have it – the best legs in the industry, as rated by the male and female species. Drool on them if you will – but don't forget to make your own legs shapely and silky-smooth!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

None of these legs are head turners or even worth posting about. The best legs are sported by gymnasts, dancers, and women who hit the weights hard and heavy like a man - no baby weights or pure cardio work outs. Also Q, you're a freaking moron. You don't know wouldn't know nice legs if they were shoved up your backside. Any real man with good taste wants thick, muscular legs on a woman. Not your long, skinny legs you rant about. Anyone who prefers chicken legs has pathetic sticks themselves. You probably couldn't even squat 200 lbs. Do you even lift?

Wow they are all fantastic but I guess in real life we accept a lot less

@Nigger - you can't be a real person with the screen name?! Also your photo is very disturbing... As for your comment on here...? Errrr seriously... No! The women on here are beautiful and all have a beautiful pair of pins! To the rest of you: stop with the hating on here! Women should have long slender legs - it's what makes a woman a woman..

Beyonce's legs are the only ones i agree with, they're beautiful!

Oh and two more things: thighs, you want a bit of girth on them. This will give you a bit more hips and you'll look behind and see some bubble happening there. I'm not talking about Transatlantic Oil Tanker girth, but get some in there so we don't have to guess about the owner's blood group and femoral bone health. Skinny thighs are not as nice to look at because the overall leg ends up showing a disproportionate, bony, bulging knee = ugly. Secondly, feet. Big feet = no good (to me). Smaller is better than long skinny bony flippers. Small as in size 6 1/2 to 8. Anything bigger becomes real ugly quickly. Feet are generally difficult to keep nice, so I vote small.

You have got to be kidding if Christina aguilera gets an 'honourable mention' for beautiful legs. She had hideous bowed unshapely with cankles. Take a look at a photo and you'll know what I mean.

Half of these pics are photoshopped anyway

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