Top 7 Sex Tips for Men ...


Top 7 Sex Tips for Men ...
Top 7 Sex Tips for Men ...

Recent research has shown that women aged between 18 – 29 know much more about sexual techniques and health than men of the same age, due to all of the literature aimed at women. I’ve decided to even things up a bit, and have spent all week researching the top seven sex tips women wish men knew... and here they are!

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Set the Mood...

Set the Mood... Photo Credit: gwburke2001

Crawling into bed cold and smelling of smoke and beer after a night out just doesn’t cut it... Set the mood! Make sure you are looking and smelling your best, and that the bedroom is clean and tidy. It might not make a difference to you, but if you make an effort, we’ll be impressed!



Talk Photo Credit: LaurenWillBeLaidToWaste

Tell your lady when she looks cute, and when you want a kiss. Ask her how her day went, and notice when she has her hair cut or is wearing a new bra. The small things make a difference, and its much cheaper than buying us a present everytime you want to get in our good books!


Take Your Time

Take Your Time Photo Credit: chasing twilight

Don’t rush to the main attraction... spend some time just kissing, or being together, unless you have a time restriction. Tension really does heighten the pleasure, and we’ll feel much more appreciated if you spend time on us!

*8 Things About Sex You Probably Do Not Know …


Learn about Her

Learn about Her Photo Credit: https://portfolio.millu. hu

Women don’t come with manuals, so you have to work out what she likes. Some women will like a rough touch, others will prefer gentle touching... spend the time to figure out what she likes, and you’ll discover how to get her fired up in seconds. Trust me!


Lose the Routine

Lose the Routine Photo Credit: ASurroca

Don’t fit a schedule to your sex life. Whilst you should remember that oral sex is important for most women, she won’t enjoy it if she knows or suspects you are just doing it to keep her happy, or to get in her pants. Again, if you learn what she likes, you’ll know exactly what to do... but to get you started, try drawing a number 8 on her clitoris with your tongue.


Read Her

Read Her Photo Credit: matt devino

Some women might appreciate you lasting hours, some would prefer you to last seconds. Read her body, and see what she wants... if she is acting energetically, keep going, but if she seems tired then it’s probably time to stop.



Sleep? Photo Credit: @mands

Remember that tired feeling that washes over you after an orgasm? The same thing happens to her. If you roll over and go to sleep straight away, you risk leaving her feeling a little alone, so instead spend a few minutes kissing and cuddling her, and then suggest cuddling up to sleep.

Keeping women happy isn’t difficult! Armed with time and these sex tips, you’ll find out exactly what works for your girlfriend, and that knowledge is invaluable. So what are you waiting for? Go find her! Do you have a tip you’d love men to know, or have you tried these? Please share it with me!

Top Photo Credit: ◦◦►sun☼shiny☺love♥rainb ows◄◦◦

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Lol! Love the little dog that's stretching. So cute! :D

Some online bookstores have a wealth on information on foreplay/seduction on dvd/vhs.......reasonably priced...

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