Annie Dennison

You Can't Stop Thinking about Him ...

You Can't Stop Thinking about Him ...

We Don’t Want to Make the Same Mistakes with a New Wrong Man (and We Don’t Have to)

We Don’t Want to Make the Same Mistakes with a New Wrong Man (and We Don’t Have to)

It's Unrealistic to Expect 100% Unconditional Love (unless You're My Cat)

It's Unrealistic to Expect 100% Unconditional Love (unless You're My Cat)

When a Man Opens a Door for You, do You Slam It in His Face?

When a Man Opens a Door for You, do You Slam It in His Face?

Knowing when to Bring in Your "Don't Mess with Me" Sign ...

Knowing when to Bring in Your "Don't Mess with Me" Sign ...

Male Depression: Can You Spot It?

Male Depression: Can You Spot It?

Not Being a Fool for Love (dignity in Dating) ...

Not Being a Fool for Love (dignity in Dating) ...

Is Virtual Dating like Being Blindfolded?

Is Virtual Dating like Being Blindfolded?

Fool for Love: Taking Risks at the Right Time, for the Right Reasons

Fool for Love: Taking Risks at the Right Time, for the Right Reasons

You Can Handle It ...

You Can Handle It ...

Love Can Be Fragile, but so What ...

Love Can Be Fragile, but so What ...

Making Your Partner's Day ...

Making Your Partner's Day ...

Stiletto Relationships (the Ones That Hurt so Good) ...

Stiletto Relationships (the Ones That Hurt so Good) ...

Dating: It's Not a Race to Get into a Relationship ...

Dating: It's Not a Race to Get into a Relationship ...

Women Who Inspire ...

Women Who Inspire ...

It's Not a Magical Moment when a Drunk Man Says He Loves You

It's Not a Magical Moment when a Drunk Man Says He Loves You

Flattering a Man

Flattering a Man

The Ideal Man for You: Naughty, Nice, or Naughty and Nice ...

The Ideal Man for You: Naughty, Nice, or Naughty and Nice ...

Size is Important, so Make Sure His Heart is Big

Size is Important, so Make Sure His Heart is Big

If You Expect to Get Rejected, is It More Likely to Happen?

If You Expect to Get Rejected, is It More Likely to Happen?

Should You Dig into Your Family of Origin Issues to Understand Your Choices in Love (part One)?

Should You Dig into Your Family of Origin Issues to Understand Your Choices in Love (part One)?

Fighting Words: Names We Call Ourselves and Each Other ...

Fighting Words: Names We Call Ourselves and Each Other ...

Happy Labor Day Weekend (vacation Time!)

Happy Labor Day Weekend (vacation Time!)

Things That Make Me Go Mmm - and Think ...

Things That Make Me Go Mmm - and Think ...

When Your Friend’s Husband or Boyfriend Comes on to You

When Your Friend’s Husband or Boyfriend Comes on to You

Are You the Kind of Woman Who Would Call (email or Text) a Man after the First Date?

Are You the Kind of Woman Who Would Call (email or Text) a Man after the First Date?

Stepping out of the Office, but I Will Return

Stepping out of the Office, but I Will Return

This Year You're Going to Be Smarter about Men, Relationships, and Other Things ...

This Year You're Going to Be Smarter about Men, Relationships, and Other Things ...

Living Apart Together (LAT) Relationships

Living Apart Together (LAT) Relationships

A Woman’s Best-kept Secrets (Smart at Love Has Been Nominated for a Bloggies Award)

A Woman’s Best-kept Secrets (Smart at Love Has Been Nominated for a Bloggies Award)