You Can't Stop Thinking about Him ...


You Can't Stop Thinking about Him ...
You Can't Stop Thinking about Him ...

"Obsession" sounds so…….extreme.

Sometimes though, when you have a new man on your mind, thereality is that you are a woman obsessed:
• you wake up to the thought of him• you keep re-playing in your mind the last contact you twohad• at least once an hour you wonder where he is and what he’sdoing• all songs remind you of what it’s like to be with him, orwithout him• if a phone call, text message, or email isn’t from him, you're disappointed• one minute you’re certain that he wants you as much as you want him, the next minute you’re imagining that he doesn’t want you at all• you wear your friends out talking about him• you feel out-of-control and, at the same time, incredibly alive• as you drift off to sleep at night, you imagine him in bed besideyou

If this is how you’re feeling, I’d never dream of talking you out of it! Falling in love, or in lust, is one of the mostintense, wonderful, and crazy-making experiences you get to have.

But please. Don’t allow it to make you act like you're crazy.

Even for a smart, otherwise reasonable woman, obsessive thinking about a new man in her life can quickly turn into a fatal attraction reaction.


Start with any unresolved, nagging insecurities you might have in general, or with that man in particular. Then, add an unrealistic expectation of how emotionally close you and he already are.

And craziness is on the way.

You, pushing him for reassurances and frequent contact to chase away your insecurities. You, acting like the two of you are a couple when you're still just getting to know each other. You, telling him [oh no!] how you can't stop thinking about him.

Physical attraction has a way of fooling you into thinking that you're close to and familiar with each other, even during the first several months when you're still pretty much strangers. Sex intensifies that sensation. With the help of a hormone called oxytocin, which is released during orgasm, both men and women experience more intense feelings of bonding with their sexual partner.

But there's a twist. Testosterone production in men apparently helps counteract those "getting closer" feelings.

Which means that if you weren't already obsessing about him BEFORE sex, you're even more likely to be obsessing about him AFTER sex. And chances are good that he's not obsessing about you in the same way.

Like I'm always pounding on about: there are so many good reasons to wait a while to have sex. Now you know one more.

Still, a surge of oxytocin isn't the only thing that can bring on a woman's fatal attraction reaction.

Obsessive thinking over a new man during the first several months of dating turns ugly so often because we've forgotten something: the art of savoring the experience of falling in love.

Instead, we're impatient. For emotional connection. To be part of a couple. To be able to say, "He's mine," if only to justify our decision to sleep with him in the first place!

Meanwhile, we're missing the pleasures of revealing ourselves more slowly, of not knowing what comes next with a man -- at least for the first three or four months of "courting" and getting to know each other.

What do you think. Can you wait that long?

And would the average man perhaps like that timeline, too...

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi Sheila! Stumbled upon this because I'm at a loss as for what to do. I met a guy while abroad and have been home for 1 week and am going through all the bulleted items listed above. He is friends with a mutal friend that lives abroad. He is actually considering moving to my area!! I hung out with him only 3 times and all times were so casual and among friends. However, I felt the strongest, magnetic pull towards him that I ever have in my life towards any person. I just got lost in his eyes when he was talking to me and wanted so badly to just GRAB him! Sounds crazy but that's what I uncontrollably felt. Yes he was cute, so smart and the most wonderful personality. The last day, we were at a BBQ and he was in line and just starred at me for a good ten seconds and smiled. Blam-o struck by cuspids arrow right there. So, my question: I want to badly to tell him how he made me feel. Just cause. Dangerous idea? I've been searching for my motive and it obviously is to have him respond back w mutual feelings, and then fly 7,000 miles to be with me :D

Hey ireally like this one biy that goes tovmy school and I can't stop thinking about him I try to not have contact with him at all. But he talks to a lot of girls but is like he playing them and I'm just scared to grt played with but when he talks to me its way different

Eep. Unfortunately, I had put an invisible check mark next to each one of those. >.> Recently I developed a crush on a guy at our community theatre. He's got four other siblings and his mother is the director/choreographer for most of the shows. I know all of them very well and his younger sisters are two of my greatest friends. The only person in family I don't know is HIM. (More or less beause there's like a two year age gap and we all know how teenagers fell about age gaps. Oh woe.) We've never spoken and yet I'm finding myself thoroughly infatuated with him. I see him everyday at rehearsals because he's doing tech. I honestly didn't think he even knew my name until yesterday. I was getting ready for dress rehearsal and I spotted a "lucky" penny on the ground. Picked it up and put it in my pocket, all the while knowing it was not going to do anything. ...And then he came up to me and said "Hey ______, ?" It was a brief interaction, but I feel like a complete moron because for the past 24 hours I've been replaying the moment in my head and thinking about how much I love it when he says my name. I caught up with him after rehearsal and thanked him for reminding me (I also said him name aloud and it wasn't because I was talking to myself). Normally stupid crushes of mine go away afer about a week or so, which makes me happy because I'd much rather Like to focus on my studies. Perhaps my wig is on too tight.

OK I met this guy last night for the first time. We met on a dating web site and have been texting/emailing for about a month now. I went to his house for a movie marathon and beer lol. This is not typical of me to meet a stranger at his house but I just couldn't say no!!! After the second movie his arm was around me and we started kissing. It wasn't too intense and I did not let it get very far. We were lying on the couch watching another movie and half asleep. I said I should head home and he didn't want me to go so I ended up sleeping over. Nothing happened just kiss and sleep. The thing about sleepovers is I do not sleep well the first two times so I must have been up every 30 minutes or so. Each time his arms were still around me and if I moved a little bit away he would scootch closer to me and put his arm back around me. Is it absolutely insane for me to think I have feelings of love? I left around 6am and he sent a text when he woke up and another when he left for work. I have been checking my phone nonstop and talking about him to my friends driving them crazy lol. I don't know what to do!!! lol I know you say to take it slow but it is so hard! I have held myself back from texting him and am waiting for him to talk to me. I just wish I could read his mind and find out what he thinks because I know I could never ask him!

Im like this atm but we met a few times first time he asked me out i said i wanted to wait now im ready and he wants to wait and i noticed that hes messages are less freqent ?

I am 26 with two kids. I met this man who I think is much older, but I can't stop thinking of him...why? And how old is too old for my age?

Hey, love this lol. I don't know if my first one sent so I guess I'm posting it again :( though I need some help. I met a guy a little over 4 months ago. He asked me out we went on a date. It was great! We continued seeing each other. He's a gentlemen, caring, kind, funny, a good guy. Then a little after his schedule got a little hectic. ( he got another job, full Tim student, family, plus we didn't live that close.) so it got harder to see him. When I did he was tired some, and it wasn't every week or so. He was pretty busy. Still is. Though recently I mentioned where I stood. If he sees me as more and all. He said he can't get serious right now. He apologized. And said if life calmed down a bit we probably be having a different conversation. Well we decided to keep on seeing each other. To get to know each other and such. Since he's busy we don't talk so much and see each other. But we still do. It's just I find myself falling for him. I do want to be with him, and just see where it goes. Though with his schedule it worries me some. I thought of dating. Moving on and seeing what's out there. Though I'm just in deep. I think about him like crazy, and rather be with him. So I don't know what to do. I don't want to stop seeing him. When we see each other we're both happy, comfortable, and just miss each other. I just find myself falling for him hard, and that scares me in this situation. I just got the feeling of how he's the only one I want to be with, we get along so well.

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