Young Lady Looking for True Love ...


Young Lady Looking for True Love ...
Young Lady Looking for True Love ...

By Eunice Allen

I know a young lady that is 31 years old that is really loving for true love. She started off by meeting a guy that she really like (bad guy). She was always attracted to the bad guys because she said that they were exciting and never boring. She end up marry an ex-con when she was 25 years old and had two kids by the guy. At first they were a happy family and he did take care of her and the kids.

Four years into the marriage the husband begin to have an affair with a young lady that was 15 years younger then him. The affair went on for another four years before the wife was aware of the affair. The young girl worked with him and was said to be a friend of the family. The young girl meet the wife and pretended as if there was nothing going on. The wife found out about the affair when the husband was in the hospital and the wife decided to check his cell phone. There was love messages and call that was made to the young lady. Even after the wife found out about the affair she stayed with her husband under the promise that he was going to end the affair. The husband did end the affair but started it back after a couple of months. February of 2008 the young lady gave birth to a little girl. The husband and wife was still living in the same house and acting as a family.

The husband brag about the affair and the baby to all his friend in the neighborhood, the wife sitting home hurt and upset and the husband gave her his but to kiss. The wife let the husband stay at the home for about two months after the baby was born and still took the disrespect from him. He really did not care about her feeling and how it was tearing her up.

The wife decided one day to get out of bed fix herself up and go out to a club with friends the couple always had a candy store in the home and lots of people visited. One day she caught the eye of a young man that** showed her some attention**. She begin to get dress, do her hair, put on make up just in case the guy would visit. The guy continue to visit and one day gave her his telephone number. One day when the husband went out to meet his girlfriend the wife call the guy and they hung up, but come to find out he is a bad boy too. He have five kids and three baby mommas. One of the kids mother live two apartment down from her. She really like the guy and she decided it was time to put the husband out so that she can spend more time with him. After a couple of months that guy have started to act just like the husband by running the street and telling lies.

It was good that the guy came alone and got her mind off of the dirt bag of a husband but he is not any better. I gave her advice to get herself together before she search for love. People can you please help my friend** she is heading down the wrong road again**. I am just keeping it real.

Feedback Junction

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I like to make a nice meal for a lady. When I am not working like to go out for, a long bike ride with my friends and club. I work at Stansted airport, puting baggage on the plane.

Quit the bad guys. Don't let any of them to stop your happainess in the future. I am still looking for the ture love. But however, I started to believe there's no Mr. Perfect in the life. Evevything is just related about "timing". You will meet someone Right in the Perfect time eventually. DON'T let anyone Wrong to stop you...If you don't get rib of them, you can't free yourself for the brighter and colorful future.

true love.

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