8 Ways to Stay Safe on a First Date ...


8 Ways to Stay Safe on a First Date ...
8 Ways to Stay Safe on a First Date ...

If you are going out on a date, there is no doubt that you want to make a great impression and have a wonderful time. At the same time, whether it is your first date or the tenth, it is important that you feel and stay safe. Here are some great ways to stay safe on a date.

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Start with a Group or Double Date

If you are meeting someone for the first time, it is always a good idea to not be alone with your date. Get your friends to go out on a double date or a group date with you.


Meet at a Public Place

There is certainly safety in numbers. Meet at public places like coffee shops, restaurants, cinemas etc., where there are always a lot of people around.

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Tell Someone Where You Are Going

This is one of the best ways to stay safe on a date. Take someone you trust into confidence and let them know where you are going and with whom. Ask them to check up on you if you are not back at a reasonable time.


Meet at the Place

Meet your date at the place you have decided. Don’t let your date pick you up because for one thing, they will know where you live or work. On the other hand, having your own transportation, whether it is a cab or a car, leaves you free to leave whenever you want.


Don’t Give Away Too Much

Of course, it is natural that you and your date want to find out as much as possible about each other. It is always interesting to talk about one’s interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. However, be wary of giving away too much information about where you live, where you work, etc.

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Do Not Overindulge

One of the best ways to stay safe on a date is to avoid alcohol and drugs completely. However, even if you decide on having a drink or two, ensure that you do not overindulge. Drinks can lower your inhibitions.


Don’t Go Back to His Place

It is best to end your date in a public place. If you go back to their place in their vehicle, you may have no idea where you are going or how you will get back. Being in control of your situation is one of the best ways to stay safe on a date.


Have an Escape Plan

Make an escape plan with your friends, who can ‘accidentally’ turn up and rescue you if you give them a call, in the event that your date is turning sour.

If you adopt these ways to stay safe on a date, you can then relax and turn your full attention to details like what to wear, where to go, what kind of interesting conversations to make and how to get your date to like and admire you. Have fun, my lovelies, but be safe.

Top image source: onlinelovedatingtips.com

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