6 Important Tips for Your Safe Dating ...


6 Important Tips for Your Safe Dating ...
6 Important Tips for Your Safe Dating ...

Dating can be a great and wonderful experience, if you do it in a safe way. Yes I know that the guy you met at Starbuck’s seem to be so nice and wonderful, but he could also be a serial killer, I’m not trying to scare you but just trying to inform you of what’s out there.

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Giving out Your Phone Number ...

While this is how you can talk to this person make sure you just keep it there. Think of your information as being sacred.


Talking over the Phone ...

In terms of what you like to do, how you spend your free time, and what you do for a living. I know it seems like you should not tell what you do but that’s actually ok as long as you keep it there and not telling where you work.


When You’re Ready to Meet ...

Meet at the location that you’re going to have the date.
Drive in separate car. I always say drive in your own car when you first meet someone this way if things do not feel right for you, you can just leave.


If You’re Going to Dinner Make Sure You Have Money to Pay for It ...

Normally yes the guy pays that is a time ordered tradition, but this is the new millennium and guys nowadays expect a lot more when they pay.


Inviting Strangers to Your Home ...

Ok you have had dinner and a movie a couple of times and you feel that it would be ok to have this person come over your house, it’s ok the thing is that you feel comfortable with the person. If you have a strange feeling about this person do not let them know where you live because trust me a stalker is not cute.


When Your Date is over ...

What I normally suggest is that you drive in a different direction then you would normally. Not to say that this person would follow you but then again you never know.

Now like most things these are just tips to help, do not let you fears keep you from having a goodtime getting to know each other. Also do not be so naive to just let someone talk you into doing something that you do not feel right about.

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What I mean by “feel right about” is if you get a strange feeling about the person you are with that would be your instincts telling you something’s not right about this person, be safe and have fun.

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Have you seen "Taken"? I became so paranoid after this movie... The author of this post is right, it's better to stay on the safe side than end up in a plastic bag.

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