8 Ways to Pamper Your Feet ...


8 Ways to Pamper Your Feet ...
8 Ways to Pamper Your Feet ...

Poor old feet! They work so hard, carrying us around all day, and yet get no thanks for it. So why not give your feet some TLC? It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive – here I suggest various ways of pampering them in the way they deserve.

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Massage Photo Credit: redcat72

Book yourself in for a massage or reflexology session. Just think how lovely it will be to lie back and have your feet massaged and moisturized! Take some time to relax and enjoy being pampered.


Go Barefoot

Go Barefoot Photo Credit: T. Carvalho

It’s really healthy for the feet to go without shoes sometimes. So take a walk in the sand, feel the grass between your toes, or simply walk around the house barefoot. Sure, your feet will get grubby, but you can always wash them!


Ration Those Heels

Ration Those Heels Photo Credit: Pieter Musterd

Yes, high heels are sexy, but there’s nothing sexy about foot problems! Instead of wearing heels all day, every day, ration your use and mix them with pretty flats or low heels. Your feet will thank you in the long run.


Get a Pedicure

Get a Pedicure Photo Credit: mvo168

Are the soles of your feet looking like an elephant’s hide? Methinks that pedicure is a little overdue … So take yourself off and get that rough skin sorted. Have your nails done as well, so you won’t be embarrassed to show them off in sandals!



Dip! Photo Credit: TXAlleKat

There’s something so nice about dipping your feet in water – in hot weather, obviously. Find a beach, river, fountain, or even a bowl of water, and enjoy that lovely fresh feeling.


Overnight Treat

Overnight Treat Photo Credit: ~*Cherron*~

Here’s a really simple way to treat your feet. Smother them with moisturizer before you go to bed, pull on a pair of socks, and leave overnight. Voila – lovely soft feet when you wake up!


Home Spa

Home Spa Photo Credit: Alma Vogler

Can’t afford a salon treatment? Why not buy a home spa kit and do it yourself! To make it more fun, you could invite some of your friends and turn it into a pamper party.



Polish Photo Credit: toepaintguy

Polish is cheap! Make the most of the warm weather and paint your toenails. Your feet look good and you feel good. Try a bold color to really stand out.

Do your feet need some attention? What do you think of these ideas – are you inspired to try any of them? What do you do to pamper your feet?

Top Photo Credit: Princess Cy

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Sheila, Yes, I say the same I just thought only I was doing that :D :D

TLC? What does that mean? I love walking barefoot :)

Here’s a really simple way to treat your feet. Smother them with moisturizer before you go to bed, pull on a pair of socks, and leave overnight heeeeeeeeee I was surprised when I read this I do so very often I thought it was my invention :)

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