8 Topics to Avoid on a First Date ...


8 Topics to Avoid on a First Date ...
8 Topics to Avoid on a First Date ...

So, we all know the feeling, sweaty palms, butterflies in the tummy and shaky knees. It’s your first date with a great guy you just met and you want it to be perfect! In order to assure the evening goes smoothly, here are 8 topics you may want to steer clear of!


Your Ex

Your Ex Photo Credit: Mika (a.k.a. LaCouane)

No no no no no!!! Never bring up your ex, or how he treated on you, or why you broke up on the first date. There may be a reason that you need to mention him further into the relationship if you get serious with this guy, but on the first date bringing him up is just like bringing him along. Not a good idea, right?


The Future

The Future Photo Credit: toypincher

Want a surefire way to sound desperate? Ask about the future, how many kids he wants and when he plans to marry. Let me just say if you really must discuss the future you could ask him if he plans to go to college or mention that you might take up skiing classes.



Religion Photo Credit: Nttnylion

Religious views are one of the topics that people may feel very strongly about. Your faith will be a big part of your relationship if you become serious, but a first date isn’t the best time to bring it up. Let me just say that the best way to avoid any disagreements or broken hearts in this area is to date someone of like faith.



Money Photo Credit: Cryodigital - Sadly deceased

Unless your working undercover for the FBI and need an extensive background check, avoid discussing money. Most people will be fairly private about how much they make, or spend yearly and whether or not they are in debt. You don’t want to seem as though you are prying or put your date on the spot. And don’t assume that just because they won’t talk about it means they are poor. Some people just prefer to keep it quiet.



Sex Photo Credit: TMink

On the first date, the only thing you need to know about your date sexually is whether or not he’s gay. And since you’re already on the date, that pretty much answers your question. Save all the other things until later….much later. Preferably after you are married if you DO marry him because that’s where it belongs anyway.



Yourself Photo Credit: Sweet Blonde

It will only be natural for your date to ask you a few questions or seem interested in you. But please, don’t drone on and on about yourself and your accomplishments. Who cares that you graduated at the top of your class back in 96 or that you taught piano lessons all through high school? You don’t want to seem stuck on your self, so talk about him some too.


Past Emotional Scars

Past Emotional Scars Photo Credit: Sbrimbillina

Don’t reveal intimate, painful secrets and past hurts you’ve had the first date you go on with a guy. They may eventually all come out as the relationship progresses but you don’t want to pour out all your hurt and confusion and scare the poor guy off! He may see you as needy and decide that’s not for him!


His past

His past Photo Credit: mmlim

Ok, now if he tells you a funny story from when he was in 6th grade and his mom accidentally ate his science fair project, you don’t need to hightail it out of there! But do avoid asking personal questions about his past girlfriends or his home situation growing up. These things will all be brought up later on as you grow closer together and when the timing is more appropriate.

If you really like this guy, I’m sure you’ll be on your best behavior and put your best foot forward (and not in your mouth!) Follow these tips and a second date is sure to follow closely behind! Can you think of any other topics that you should avoid on a first date?

Top Photo Credit: lav_nida

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Is this a Roman Catholic-subidized website?? Sex belongs after marriage?! omg. Most of the advice here isn't bad, but when I read that, I worried about the goal of these messages - girls under 20 shouldn't be having sex, granted, but waiting until marriage is like saying we should wait until after we buy shoes to try them and see if we even like them. C'mon people. Sexual chemistry is important in a healthy relationship, so let's avoid some divorces here!

Sex only after marriage, such a charmingly old-fashioned idea.

Yes, politics! Avooooid haha T_T

Some people can't help talking about the ex, though...Not saying I've made this mistake, of course. Haha

i completely agree with sex after marriage and if you disagree with that its obvious you have self esteem issues and thats your only way to keep a guy...dont be a slut he'll know you have no respect for yourself so dont bother in the future wanting respect from a guy if you dont respect yourself.

hah, we broke most of these on my first date. but it was the guy that mentioned them, not me! he asked about the past, ex's, he found out about scars, after some poking and prodding, he told me about money, about what he wants for his future (3 kids!), sex... in fact, the only thing we avoided was religion, but thats because we already knew! and you know what? it was a PERFECT first date. we had such a good time, we didnt even need to talk all that much. im still with him now, and so far so good!

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