8 Things to do This Summer ...


8 Things to do This Summer ...
8 Things to do This Summer ...

Summer is arriving! The winter had us so bogged down with the snow and coldness, but nowiIt’s time to prepare for some summer fun in the SUN! Here is my list of 8 things to do this summer...

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Bonfires are so much fun! The best part is that they are at night. We have all been to a barbecue in the day time, but bonfires are so much more personal! Roast marshmallows, sit by the fire and enjoy! Check with parks in your area to see if they allow bonfires, and also make sure you have your Bonfire by water! So much fun...


Head to the Beach!

Head to the Beach! Nothing’s more relaxing than swimming in an ocean or just watching the waves. Make time to go to the beach this Summer. Grab your friends, swimsuits, and have a ball! Don’t forget the Sunscreen!



Kalahari! This African themed water park is perfect for a getaway! With rides and a cultural experience you are guaranteed to have fun! They have parks located in 3 states, so there's bound to be one near you. Book your trip soon!



Roadtrip! Get out and see another state! Plan accordingly and allow yourself time to travel, and don’t travel too far if you have to go to work early the next day. Try a mini 3 day roadtrip. Set no limitations stop in as many states as you can. This will broaden your horizons and you’ll see great things!


Throw a Party!

Gotta have a summer party! Choose a nice sized venue or throw it at your house. Have all your friends contribute and invite everyone you know! This is a great way to meet new people and keep the bond between you and your current friends. Remember, be responsible, and don't allow anyone to drink too much then drive...



You have to explore the outdoors! Search online for camp sites and bring your tent and small barbecue pit and bug repellant. Explore nature, climb something or build something using the wood outdoors...


Learn Something New!

Learn Something New! Every summer learn something new! This summer I plan to take motorcycle classes. Is there something you’ve always wanted to try or learn explore that this summer? Well, there's no better time than NOW!


Spend Time with Kids!

Kids are amazing! We all have a little kid in us. Go to a summer camp and see if you can volunteer for a few hours. Kids keep us young, we can teach them as well as learn from them...

What have you done in the past summer that was fun? What are some other fun things to do this summer? Please let me know, so I can add it to my summer to-do list!

Top Photo Credit: lejson

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

read a new book! i'm a nerd, i have a summer reading list lol

You forgot the beach.

Okay, never mind.

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