8 Things That Break BFFs up ...


8 Things That Break BFFs up ...
8 Things That Break BFFs up ...

BFF relationships sometimes do not last forever and we both know that. If you have a BFF relationship that has ended, then you know what I am talking about. Below, I am going to give you 8 things that break BFF relationships up that I have witnessed at least once …


The Family

The Family Photo Credit: grace_photography

The parents no longer let the two of you spend time together. This is one thing that breaks BFF relationships up, but with this one, there is always a reason behind it. Parents always have a reason.


The Wrong Crowd

The Wrong Crowd Photo Credit: ladysophia

Some people drift out and join the wrong crowd. Many friends end up getting caught up in another crowd and the BFF does not like this, so she does not go. Sometimes, things are for the best.


Dating the Boy She Likes

If you date the boy she likes, then the relationship may come to an end. You should never date a boy that you know your BFF likes – this isn’t nice at all.


You Just Drift Apart

People just drift apart from time to time. This is something that just happens and there is no explanation for it, except things just aren’t the same anymore.


Different Opinions on Life

Different Opinions on Life Photo Credit: mollybob

Every now and then, when you grow up, you have different opinions on life, which can break your BFF relationships up if you are not careful. Do you have a story to tell in this situation? What was the outcome?



Work Photo Credit: ClaudiJay

Sometimes, work breaks up BFF relationships. You know, because when there is work, you do not have much time for them anymore. I know, this is a sad fact, but I have known this to happen to some people before. Can you and your best friend get through the test of not having much time? You can still make time for each other.


Different Schools

Different Schools Photo Credit: lolilpopmika

Sometimes, parents have to move, which means we go to different schools. When we go to different schools that are far away, we tend to find new best friends to hang out with. Do you know what I mean?



Boys Photo Credit: llulu

Boys seem to get in the way of some relationships. We see it all the time in movies. Then, in the end, there is forgiveness when they realize the boy is no good for them. Did your BFF relationship almost end over a boy? If so, tell me about it.

Those are 8 things that break BFF relationships up that I have witnessed. I know, it’s sad when this happens, but life does go on and you can find a new best friend to hang out with and go shopping with. Share your experience on this matter with me. How long have you and your BFF been best friends?

Top Photo Credit: äRRä

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Alright, so me and my one BFF who I was best friends with for YEARS just randomly drifted apart last summer and then by the end there were so many mixed up feelings and stories we just blew up on each other. By this spring we were back to being friends, and now you could say the relationship is stronger than ever. I guess it took us a seperation period to realize what great friends we were :D But I have lost other BFFS forever, normally because of drifting apart or they didn't treat me with respect, or how I thought they should, because I was older and you could say, more mature. All of the reasons above are totally valid though. :)

My BFF (lets just call her.... qwerty lolz) qwerty was tellin me who she liked... there are these two hot twins at my school, identical. She goes well i like (lets just call him cb) cb... im like no way me two! then we got this fake rivalry and made jokes about who got him.. we both know i win, tho. we are both 12, she cannot have a boyfriend, but i can (just no alone dates lolz ;)) so we are fine he has no clue this even happened:P

ehmagawd me and my best friend have been friends for like ever. nothing can break us apart. and we have been through everything. from boy problems to different crowds. we have always been there for each other. we always got each others back. like this new girl moved and her name was Heather and me and her got to be really close. and we started hanging out alot while me and Tiffany still hung out some just not as much. well before i knew it Tiffany was telling me that i was acting alot like Heather and lets just say she wasnt the best influence. so Tiffany saved me from that wreck. and now me and Heather are like rivals. but it doesnt matter i still have Tiffany(: and another time she was dating this guy named Frederick and he was always cheating on her. and he was always making her cry and just putting her through everything. and she never believed anybody when we told her he was cheating on her. and thats what caused our biggest fight. she called me crying and i couldnt take it anymore and i finally told her the basics to get over him he was a liar and a cheater and move on. and we really got into it. then we stopped talking for about a week. then out of nowhere she called me saying she knew the truth and i was right. and she was sorry for not believing me since ive never lied to her before why would i start now. and now were stronger than ever. i hopee nothing ever comes between us. i have no clue what i would ever do without her(:

I think physical distance (similar to #2)really creats a gap in the relation. You may still have the BFF relationship but warmth is lost.

so yea my friendship ended because my boyfriend didnt want me being friends with my bff because she liked him and always told lies about me for example : she is dating this other guy and so on i smacked her and we fighted so then we didnt talk for a year then she moved

My friendship ending with my best friend was very complicated and stretched itself out a lot. She always loved drama, and let it affect us too much. She also loved boys too much and never knew how to balance both of us. We constantly fought and everyone knew it, because she loved attention. It finally ended when she accused me of intentionally trying to hurt her by going to prom with one of her ex-boyfriends (I might add that he was in a group with myself AND my boyfriend, while he was with his new girlfriend). She made a scene and I was just tired of her always blaming me and making me feel bad about myself. We talk occasionally, and she tries to hangout, but I honestly just don't want to be around her anymore.

My friendship with my bff almost ended because a boy. You know, as a friend, you always want the best for your bff and want to protect her/his. She had this boyfriend and he was not good for her. I always tried to persuade her that he was not what he looks like to be. But she never listened, the facts were obvious! Really, love blinds you. She suffered a lot because of him and I couldn't help it because she was doing all the harm to herself. I got tired of that situation because she was still with him, it lasted almost like a year. And that was our first fight. We talked it over and we´re still friends.

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