8 Great Spring Break Activities ...


8 Great Spring Break Activities ...
8 Great Spring Break Activities ...

Spring break is quite close to descending, and many people – adults and kids alike – have no idea what they're going to do yet. Some people may have to eschew an actual vacation, while some will be taking off for places unknown for their breaks. Either way, there are tons of things you can do to celebrate your time off, starting with 8 great spring break activities sure to make it an awesome vacation.

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Go Skiing

This has been the most awful winter in recent memory, and a surprising number of places have been affected by it – even those warm, sunny sanctuaries most people flock to during spring break. So, thumb your nose at the snow by making it work for you and head off for a week of skiing – or snowboarding, or just hanging out in front of a fireplace with lots of hot chocolate and books.


Go Sunning

If you can, you should try to head out somewhere sunny. The South, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the Riviera – take advantages of those places where spring has sprung a little early, and you can enjoy the sand and the water! It's not just for college kids looking to party, adults can enjoy it too, even if you have little ones.


Hit an Amusement Park

If possible, think about spending your time off at an amusement park. Plenty of them will be open; tons of them are open all year round. Again, if you have kids, this is an excellent choice – but anyone can enjoy it. After all, a trip on a roller coaster can make anyone feel like a kid again, and if your spring break falls on the right date, you might not have to deal with super long lines.


See the World

Even if you can't go on a vacation during spring break, you can still see the world. Spend your time off checking out museums, art galleries, zoos, aquariums, or planetariums. Pack in as much as you can, so you come back to work or school just stuffed with culture. These past times are extremely underrated, and getting reacquainted with these places is a great way to spend your break.


Take Advantage of the Community

If your city or neighborhood has a community center, you can spend a lot of your break there. After all, there are tons of activities you can do, plus it's a really affordable way to have some fun. There's no reason to spend a ton of money having a good time – you don't even have to leave town.


Go on a Road Trip

You don't have to have any set plans when you want to take off for the week. Sometimes you can just get in the car and drive. Go with your partner or a group of friends; you can have some really old school adventures. Besides, you never know what surprises await you when you go exploring.


Go Swimming

You don't have to leave town to go swimming either. I guarantee you that there are public pools somewhere in your area – and indoor pools at that. There's nothing I love better than being able to swim and stay halfway warm even when it's freezing cold outside – and you don't have to deal with the freezing cold ocean to have some fun in the water, either.



Like say, there's no reason you have to go anywhere over spring break. You can use the time to really get in touch with yourself. I know when I was in college, especially, that there were certain spring breaks where all I wanted to do was catch up on sleep, reading, and relaxation.

The point is, there are no limits to what you can do on spring break. Whether it's exotic or mundane, as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. So what do you think you want to do on your spring break?

Top Photo Credit: walthall9

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