7 Reasons I Can't Wait for Spring ...


7 Reasons I Can't Wait for Spring ...
7 Reasons I Can't Wait for Spring ...

It’s the middle of winter here in Michigan right now, and I don’t think I can take another six weeks of this weather. It’s freezing, literally, with more snow than I’ve seen in years, and the air is so dry, my skin and hair can’t take any more. I just can’t wait for spring, and here’s why!

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Right now, on the spots of the ground that aren’t covered in ten inches of snow, all you can see is withered brown grass or frozen earth. I can’t wait for spring, when the snow melts, the ground thaws, and the grass and flowers grow back! The first faint peep of a purple crocus is my tell-tale first sign of spring, and I can’t wait to see one!



As much as I love wearing skinny jeans, I can’t wait for spring so I can start wearing skirts and dresses without my snow pants. Short sleeves, light fabrics, floaty floral prints… these are the true harbingers of spring in my view!



Right now, I’m wearing a bra, tank, thermal, and cardigan, with jeans and leggings. And I’m still chilly! I can’t wait for spring so I can go a day without being frozen for at least an hour. I want to be able to walk outside without my nose hairs freezing when I inhale!



Even more than the warmth I can’t wait for the sunshine that usually comes with spring. I want to feel sunshine on my face, see it when I wake up in the morning and have it streaming in my windows all day long. We have just as many, in fact MORE, overcast days than anywhere else in the States, but for a few weeks at the end of spring, we sometimes get three or four days of sunshine IN A ROW.


New Start

A new spring season feels like more of a fresh start than even the New Year. In fact, I prefer to make my resolutions in the spring, rather than at the beginning of the year. It’s warmer, the sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom — what a perfect time to start doing things right… like a spring cleaning of your house, closet, and life!


Fresh Fruits

I practically live on fresh fruits and vegetables, so I’m miserable all winter long, paying way too much money for pallid, tasteless imported fruits. Spring means the arrival of fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers, and I absolutely cannot wait!


New Semester

I’m a college student, so for me, spring also means the end of the long winter semester and the start of the short, sweet spring semester, when most students take off but I sneak in a few extra credits. It’s somehow easier to commit to classes that I know I won’t be in forever.

I know spring will be here soon, but it won’t be soon enough for me, and now you know most of the reasons why! Do you long for spring, too? Why can’t you wait for the season? Please share!

Top Photo Credit: Line Benedicte

Feedback Junction

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fresh fruits!!! :P

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