7 Reasons I'll Never Own a Kindle ...


7 Reasons I'll Never Own a Kindle ...
7 Reasons I'll Never Own a Kindle ...

I'm going to admit something here: I'm a book lover. Duh, right? I'd even go so far as to say I'm a book snob, which in my case only means that if I see a lot of books lying around your house, I automatically like you better. Also, I hate the Kindle and other products why. I think I have justification for it though. Want to see? Here are 7 reasons I'll never own a Kindle.

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Too Expensive

I'm particular about the things on which I spend money, and I wouldn't spend it on a Kindle. I just couldn't justify the purchase. I wouldn't let anyone else buy it for me either. If I want something, if I really, really want it, no problem, I'm no miser. But I probably wouldn't buy a Kindle even if the price came down to $50.


Too Technological

I get that it's easy to buy books, and I get that the books themselves are comparably cheaper. I understand the idea that the Kindle ultimately pays for itself. But you know, I already have to basically have my PC, my laptop, my cell phone, and my iPod attached to me with an IV, I don't want some other technological wonder to cart around. I don't need something else to charge up all the time. A book will fit in my purse better anyway.


No Texture

One of the things I love best about books is their texture. I love the way the pages feel beneath my fingers. That goes double for older books and for old hardbacks especially, with their thick pages and uneven edges. No matter what, I could never get that with a Kindle, and I know if I read a book on one, the pleasure of reading would be damped by the lack.


No Smell

This is the other thing I love best about books. I love the way they smell. If I could, I would bottle the scent of old books, of bookstores, and of libraries. This is the same reason I prefer local bookshops to Barnes and Noble. The smell is divine, it's like aromatherapy to me. Unless the Kindle gets itself an app that somehow makes it smell like an old hardback book, I ain't buying.


No Aesthetics

I know a lot of people probably buy Kindles so they can get rid of their book clutter, and that's cool – for them. However, my book clutter is one of my favorite things about my place. There are books everywhere, the shelves are full of them, and that's part of my version of home décor: I want people to feel like they can browse and read as soon as they step in the doorway.


Bad for the Eyes

I have horrible vision. In about 3-5 years, I probably really will be wearing glasses as thick as the bottoms of glass Coke bottles. I don't think squinting at a Kindle would be the best thing for me – although yes, I am prejudiced and will ruin my eyes with a book. Plus, and I may be wrong here so please correct me if I am, is this not like trying to read on the computer? Where the screen makes minute jumps and isn't quite steady, so it's a strain on your eyes?


Can't Make Notes

When I'm reading a book I particularly like, I often underline passages and make notations in the margins. Arguably, with a Kindle, I could just do it with a separate notebook, but well … no, I don't want to!

Basically, I like the tactile qualities of real books. I like the way they feed the senses. I get why other people like Kindles and similar products, I just don't think they're for me. Is anybody with me on this?

Top Photo Credit: *pele* - no me pidan que mire fotos

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I just wanted to say, in defense of the Kindle, you can change the size so the text can be as big as you want it, and it has no backlight so there is no squinting neccesary.

For a long time, I felt the same way. My sister got a kindle and said it was the best thing. I told my mom I would never get a kindle. She got a kindle and told me I needed one and I kept saying no. She bought me one for Christmas a couple years ago and, after my initial objections, I absolutely love it! I have hundreds, possibly over 1000 books on my kindle, most for free. I still check out books from the library on a regular basis to get my real book fix but the kindle makes it so much cheaper and easier. Rather than carting a bag of books on trips, I can just bring my kindle. I am always in the middle of several books at one time and the kindle saves my place so I don't have to remember the page number or find my place (I don't use bookmarks with regular books so that's always an issue).

I love books too, and own a Kindle and find it is a fantastic addition to my love, I can be anywhere and read, and my bag won't weigh a tonne. I just thought I would point out a couple of things that people may not know about Kindle's. As Maialuna mentioned the Kindle is not backlit which makes it entirely different than reading on you PC or phone apps etc. In fact when I first got my Kindle I was reaching for the corner of the 'page' to change the page! The other thing I wanted to point out is that you can highlight and makes notes right on the Kindle itself, and it is quite easy, it is not a function I had used yet, but did try it after reading your article, just to see.

I agree, I don't want anything to do with those things. It bugs me when I walk into Barnes and Noble to look at BOOKS, and right at the entrance, is their big 'Nook' advertizing desk. Please, when I want to sit down and read, I want the wholesomeness of a real book, not some little machine!

U can underline stuff and make notes in the books with a kindle to, but really i would rather have a book

I love this article its beautiful how you describe the love you have for books and I completely agree with what you said thank you for writing this

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