6 Sad Celebrity Stories ...


6 Sad Celebrity Stories ...
6 Sad Celebrity Stories ...

When I checked the celebrity blogs I stalk today, I was met with an extra ounce of sadness and tragedy. This started with a news-tweet from CNN about J.D. Salinger's passing. Then I found stories on jailtime, show cancellations, grief, and others. I don't mean to be a downer but sometimes, we need to read these to realize that life is short and we have to seize every opportunity and hold close those dear to us.

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J.D. Salinger Passes at Age 91

J.D. Salinger Passes at Age 91 The famous recluse writer, J.D Salinger, has finally found the best way for people to leave him alone. Unless there are diehard fans in the next life who would wish to bother him. But I hope there are none. For someone as talented as he was, I wish him eternal peace to do what he loves best: writing.


Brittany's Murphy's Husband is Suing Warner Brothers for Her Death

Brittany's Murphy's Husband is Suing Warner Brothers for Her Death This is sad in so many levels. One, what he said about how Brittany waited for word from people she worked with is tragic. I can actually believe that this happened. Another sad part is that what he said about how girls like Brittany are disposable in Hollywood has a grain of truth. And of course, there is the fact that some people may construe this litigation as a way to milk money out of a sad situation.


Brittany Murphy's untimely death left her husband, Simon Monjack, grief-stricken and searching for accountability. He chose to pursue legal action against Warner Brothers, claiming that the stress caused by the studio's alleged mistreatment contributed to her demise. While it's true Hollywood can be unforgiving, especially to young actresses, the move to sue added another layer of controversy. Questions arose around whether justice or financial gain fuelled the suit. The unsettling nature of such claims underscores the harsh reality of fame's fleeting nature and the pressures stars face. It's a stark reminder that behind the glitz, the entertainment industry can be brutally indifferent.


Angelina Jolie and Brother Released Video Tribute to Their Mother

Angelina Jolie and Brother Released Video Tribute to Their Mother In January 27, 2007, Marcheline Bertrand, mother of Angelina and James Haven passed away after a battle with ovarian cancer. This video was released two days ago as a tribute to the actor and actress's mother. The video may not be available now but if you're curious, it showed Marcheline and Angelina dancing the hula in Hawaii. It was stated that Marcheline always loved Hawaii. The parting words were "We Miss You Mom… With Love, Angelina and James." Doesn't that just make you tear up?


Cameron Douglas, Son of Michael Douglas, Will Spend at Least 10 Years in Jail

Cameron Douglas, Son of Michael Douglas, Will Spend at Least 10 Years in Jail Last year, Cameron Douglas was charged with distribution of illegal drugs. He pleaded guilty and will spend at least 10 years in the slammer. I feel sad for Michael Douglas. It must be hard to see your son battle demons and go to prison.


Tila Tequila to Have Baby with Joe Francis

Tila Tequila to Have Baby with Joe Francis These are two people I don't understand. If this story turns out to be true (highly unlikely because Tila is known to tell tall tales), I will feel sorry for the kid. Also, the tragedy will be the fact that these two will only be using each other. Nothing good can come out of this.


Ugly Betty Cancelled

Ugly Betty Cancelled I knew and loved the original Ugly Betty and was very happy when I found out that there was going to be an American version. I may not have followed the show religiously in the recent seasons but it's still sad that we will no longer be seeing exploits of Betty Suarez on the small screen.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

and so sad about Salinger - not that I followed his every move but who hasn't been influenced by his raw literature? it's a meaningful part of many a teenager's life

Tila Tequila just needs to stop. Why is she still around? She contributes nothing but petty gossip fodder that's not even remotely exciting. So so so sad that Ugly Betty was cancelled. A lot of people claim it's an overrated show but I don't think so. It has heart and a lot of viewers, including myself, can relate to Betty. ABC is full of great shows of course but Lost is ending this year and now this with Ugly Betty. All my faves are coming to a close :(

I always thought Tila was cute and had a soft spot for her (she's one of few asians in the media) but shes getting really ridiculous. reading her twitter is like having an aneurysm.. painful and could have been preventable.

Angelina really had some rough times...with her mom....but I'm curious about the movie. Tila......I really don't know what to say....I've seen her in that TV show ...and I really don't have such a good impression about her.

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