10 Ways to Prevent Obesity ...


10 Ways to Prevent Obesity ...
10 Ways to Prevent Obesity ...

Obesity is fast becoming one of the major issues that the world of today is facing, so much so that even children are becoming victims. I think we need to act fast and wise to become role models for the future generations so that we can rid ourselves of this problem once and for all. I also think it's important that we learn to recognise obesity and act on it. And while there are many ways to prevent obesity, I have picked these ten ten as my top priority tips...

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Set a Good Example

Set a Good Example If you can be a good example for others to follow, then it might make it easier for you to stick to a healthier routine yourself. Kids watch the adults around them and learn by example. Eating healthy right from breakfastand exercising regularly will show them that you are serious about staying healthy and fit and they will follow suit .

Photo Credit: Moranga


Get Rid of Simple Sugars

Get Rid of Simple Sugars Replacing simple sugars with honey, stevia, agave nectar, or even maple syrup will help avoid obesity. The body is able to break down these types of sweeteners easily and is less likely to store them as fat. And they taste just as good so the replacement should not be difficult.

Photo Credit: [ serenity ]


Switch Unhealthy Snacks with Healthy Ones

Switch Unhealthy Snacks with Healthy Ones It's a hard change to make, but snacking on some lightly buttered popcorn or some fresh cut veggies is better than a bag of greasy potato chips. Dipping carrot sticks, broccoli, or cauliflower in some fat-free ranch dressing can be a tasty treat. Low calorie snacks can cut off all those extra unwanted calories and really keep the excess weight off.

Photo Credit: Dave Lifson


Limit Fat Intake

Limit Fat Intake The dietary fat included in a diet should be less than 30 percent of the complete number of calories consumed. Saturated fat should only be 10 percent, while trans fatty acids should be completely avoided. Fried foods are the obvious foods to cut back on. They are usually dripping in fat. Learn to differentiate between good fats and bad fats and alter your diet accordingly.

Photo Credit: Steve Hermitage



Exercise Adding in a 30 minute walk is a great way to prevent obesity. Walking is easy to do and a cheap alternative to expensive equipment. You don't even need a gym membership to walk. Malls open their front doors early to let in the mall walkers, which is great for rainy or snowy weather. These people zoom around the edges of the mall walkways; chatting away with a friend. This makes exercising fun! It's definitely better to include friends in your weight loss program.

Photo Credit: SpacePotato


Eat Fruits and Veggies

Eat Fruits and Veggies Fruits and vegetables are your friends. They should definitely be part of your grocery listeverytime! I can't recall a case of someone gaining weight from eating too many fruits and vegetables. They are great snacks and most can be easily carried in a bag when traveling. I always have a bowl of apples on the counter and a small bag of mini carrots in the fridge. Both are excellent with low fat peanut butter.

Photo Credit: smiles7


Eat Many Small Meals

Eat Many Small Meals Eating six small meals a day is much better than eating three large meals. If your body can rely on a regular amount of food at a scheduled time, then it won't try to store fat for later. The body is always thinking about the future and trying to keep you from starving to death during the next great famine. So help your body get used to a eating schedule and stick to eating many small meals.

Photo Credit: joey_joey_joey


Take Supplements

Take Supplements Supplying the body with extra vitamins and minerals is a great way to prevent obesity, because then you won't have as many cravings. When the body is lacking some sort of mineral or has a vitamin deficiency, then it craves certain foods. Adding a supplement and proper nutrition should eliminate most of the cravings. Do remember to talk to your doctor before starting with any supplement.

Photo Credit: ☂bitzi


Limit Calories

Limit Calories Depending on the amount of physical activity included on a daily basis, the number of calories consumed will range from 1500 to 2000. The more you exercise, the higher the calorie count will be, since you are using more calories during your physical activity. The number of calories also varies between men and women as well. Men require more calories than women do, since they have 10 to 20 percent more muscle mass to maintain. The best thing to do is calculate how many calories you need.

Photo Credit: Dusan Jovanovic


Drink Water

Drink Water Water is the fluid in charge of moving everything through your body; good stuff and bad stuff. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. These glasses only have to be an 8 ounce glass, not a giant 32 ounce water bottle. If you can pull that off, then great, but I guarantee you will be spending most of your day running back and forth from the restroom. The body can only absorb a small amount of water each time, about a quarter cup an hour, so chugging tons will only make you go to the bathroom more. So cut down on the soda, stick to 6 glasses of water and lose weight!

Photo Credit: KaroliK

Hopefully at least some of these ways to prevent obesity will be helpful to you or someone you know. It can be hard to get started towards living a healthier lifestyle, but it's not impossible. Even if only small changes are made here and there, you will see a difference. Do you know of any other ways to prevent obesity?

Top Photo Credit: Red~Star

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

what i dont understand is why people are so worried about being fat when truly they are not!

If you don't buy it, you can't eat it!

I read this interesting book review for a woman who claims she went from an 8 to a 22 because corn syrup is an addiction. At first I chuckled but then really thought about it. It might explain the overweight epidemic in our country as opposed to others and why people feel the need to eat even when they are not hungry. I totally agree about getting rid of simple sugars like soda and even white grains anywhere possible. Another recommendation? If you can walk it out then do it. For example, climb the stairs whenever possible, walk the 5 minutes to the library, walk to the coffee house (or ride a bike but walking is easier if you don't have one :) )

Best way is too look always what you eat, and whenever you're going to loose the bait remember that putting wait is easy, whilst loosing is difficult! Although it's very difficult! :S

ilove this and hope it works!

I am not a sugar person. I usually stay away from things like sodas, chocolates, ice cream etc. I have to work on eating more small meals. I usually have so much work to do I end up eating 1-2 meals. These days I try to eat a snack (healthy ones) in between.

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