10 Things You Don't Want to Say on a Family Reunion ...


10 Things You Don't Want to Say on a Family Reunion ...
10 Things You Don't Want to Say on a Family Reunion ...

Once you RSVP all you can do is wait and practice the “count to ten” tactics to help you get through that family reunion. The first one is always tough because you don’t know how to act or what to do so you might want to consider reading these 10 tips I’ve managed to put together. You never know, they might come handy soon…

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"Hi Auntie Page, Thanks for the Invitation! I Brought a Couple of Friends, Hope You Don’t Mind.”

"Hi Auntie Page, Thanks for the Invitation! I Brought a Couple of Friends, Hope You Don’t Mind.” Photo Credit: Stephan Geyer

Honey, family reunions aren’t free and bringing uninvited and unplanned guests to a family event will mess up the host’s plans and budget. If you had to bring somebody, take just one person and shush!


“Aren’t You Afraid He’ll Be Killed?”

“Aren’t You Afraid He’ll Be Killed?” Photo Credit: Vince Alongi

If chatting with a friendly-looking cousin of yours made you realize she is an army wife, don’t let this question be the first one after she tells you her hubby is in Iraq/Afghanistan. Of course she is! Every second of the day! But, do you really have to be the one to remind her about that?


“Ummm…Grandma Betty? I Thought We Buried You Last Year!”

“Ummm…Grandma Betty? I Thought We Buried You Last Year!” Photo Credit: soylentgreen23

I know, I know… We all have relatives that seem to have been on this earth for so long that there is no event they haven’t had the chance to witness. I know personal stories and firsthand experiences of the Second World War are not you idea of a perfect family reunion, but do pick a different, less mean tactics to avoid them.


“I’m Staying at This Great Hotel… You Can Come Check It out if You Want(*wink)”

“I’m Staying at This Great Hotel… You Can Come Check It out if You Want(*wink)” Photo Credit: dicktay2000

Do not flirt on your family reunion; most of those people are your cousins! Ok, I understand “most” doesn’t mean “all” and there might be some really cute guests there... Just have in mind that you didn’t come to that reunion to find a date but to spend time with the family members you don’t get to see very often.


“Hell No! I Don’t Want to Watch over Your Kid While You Visit the Ladies Room!”

“Hell No! I Don’t Want to Watch over Your Kid While You Visit the Ladies Room!” Photo Credit: Chris JL

Oh come on, I know it can be tough but do you really want to be remembered as the Grinch that stole the Family Tree? Or “that bad lady”?


“Yeah, I Remember You; You Are the One That Stole the Centerpieces at My Wedding!”

“Yeah, I Remember You; You Are the One That Stole the Centerpieces at My Wedding!” Photo Credit: wstera2

Now, I’m sure you have some “unfinished business” with at least 20% of your relatives but a family reunion is not the place for it. Or you want to make a scene and give everybody something to talk about until the next reunion?


“the Food Here Sucks!”

“the Food Here Sucks!” Photo Credit: kian esquire

Ooops, I’ve made this comment once… Then it was my family’s turn to organize the reunion… And believe me, you don’t appreciate it until you get the “honor” to do to it yourself. You either spend days slaving in the kitchen or you spend some serious bucks to have the food catered.


“I Don’t Want to Play the Games.”

“I Don’t Want to Play the Games.” Photo Credit: timsamoff

Games are a big part of most family reunions so if you decided to show up, it wouldn’t be fair not to participate in the family activities. Give it a shot, you might like it!


“We Can’t Stay Too Long…”

“We Can’t Stay Too Long…” Photo Credit: bitzcelt

If you go around telling people this, you might as well say, “We didn’t really want to come but we have missed the last two reunions so coming was the only option.” It’s better to work out the “escape strategy” in advance so, once the situation gets unbearable, you will give the signal and your husband will receive an important business call… Apologize to the hosts, try to look sad and disappointed and… RUN!


“Didn’t You Know? Oh, She Was… and Her Husband…”

“Didn’t You Know? Oh, She Was… and Her Husband…” Photo Credit: rahen z

Gossiping is common family reunion activity and I bet you will have the chance to find out many juicy details about your relatives. However, don’t be the one that starts the rumors because the person you’ve just gossiped about might return the “favor” next time. Now imagine showing up for the next reunion and having to answer questions about your “recovery from a terrible skin disease” or “alcohol problems”…

I know these tips are nothing more than tips on how be polite but I also know that having to cope with a million of relatives could make anybody lose its temper. Have you ever lost yours? Do you like to go to family reunions or not? Do share funny mishaps, please.

Top Photo Credit: JasonTromm

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