8 Famous People to Hate ...


Some actors should just stick to reciting scripts, since when they open their mouths under any other circumstances, they make a fool of themselves. In fact, celebrities in general have a tendency to make comments that they are in no way qualified to make. Here are some celebs I want to gag.

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Mel Gibson

The human definition of the phrase ‘mid-life crisis’. Man meets woman. Man marries woman and has 7 kids. Thirty years later, man leaves woman for younger woman. Has baby by younger woman. Leaves her before baby is 6 months old. This from someone who claims to be a traditionalist Catholic.



Sting Enough to make even the most die-hard environmentalist want to burn down the rain forest, so he doesn’t have anything to pontificate about. Then there’s the Tantric sex. And a man in his 50s is far too old for silly nicknames …

Photo Credit: kk+

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Bono Check out the South Park episode ‘More Crap’ to see this rampant egotist cut down to size. Is there anything this ridiculously named, overpaid singer doesn’t share his opinion on?

Photo Credit: danny.hammontree


Heather Mills

Heather Mills I await a communication from the erstwhile Lady McCartney’s lawyers, for suggesting that she is anything but a saintly devotee of charity work. Heather, you’re bonkers. Take your ill-gotten millions (not bad for a few years of marriage) and go away. Your reputation is beyond repair, and everything you say makes it worse.

Photo Credit: iron_smyth48


Jordan/Katie Price

Jordan/Katie Price Seemingly incapable of making an intelligent and believable comment, preferring instead to constantly slag off the father of two of her children and make out that she really, really loves her latest ‘husband’. Maybe one day, her lips will swell from all the Botox and shut her up.

Photo Credit: essexgirl08

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Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise Oh my god, that cheesy grin scares me. As if the Scientology nonsense wasn’t annoying enough, Tom then had to make a complete fool of himself with his infamous sofa-jump on Oprah’s show. Put a sock in it, Tom.

Photo Credit: The Psychedelic Illusionist


Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow The blubbing Oscar acceptance speech was enough to make me want to gag her. Paltrow had to make things far, far worse by launching her ‘lifestyle’ website, the peculiarly named ‘Goop’, sharing with us such beliefs as household products causing cancer and autism in children. Dr Paltrow’s medical and scientific credentials are, of course, impeccable.

Photo Credit: noeco31


Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods Yes, we really, really believe you’re truly repentant, Tiger. We are totally convinced that it is not your concern for your lucrative endorsements and the damage to your public image that motivates the grovelling apologies and regret for the harm you have done to your lovely wife. We believe every word.

Photo Credit: pinkjay

Which celebrities make you want to scream ‘Shut up! You’re an actor! We don’t care about your political views!’

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

while i must admit that incessant parade of celebrities that expect us not only to look up to them for their talents but also their political/life prowess can be wearing to the mind and soul, i somewhat agree with MARY. there is nothing wrong with starting a website named GOOP, who knows, maybe gweneth really does know about cleaning products. nice idea, but your might want to cool it with the comebacks.

Well, i really don't like this post! I just think that it is so full of hatery. I think that we need to focus more on what's important in life rather than sepending our energy in hating people that don't even aware of our existence!


BONO! urgh i hate him >.> and the minute i read his name i remembered SOUTH PARK! XD

Do you truly believe I mean hate in the literal sense? I'm using it in my typical acidic sarcastic way. And there's no such word as hatery.

Mel Gibson a racists? That's a new one. I used to look up to him, because he used to practice his faith (I'm Catholic also) and then he came out with "The Passion of Christ". I was incredibly disappointed in him when I found out that he was leaving his wife for that young girl. I have no respect for her either, as she decided to sleep with a man who was married and had children. But yes, I've lost all respect for Gibson, and I don't think it will come back.

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