7 Things You Shouldn't do on Facebook ...


7 Things You Shouldn't do on Facebook ...
7 Things You Shouldn't do on Facebook ...

Do you have a Facebook obsession? Can’t get enough of Fishville, Farmville and all of those fun games? Oh yeah, many people have this type of obsession. There is nothing wrong with it, Facebook is a great social networking site that brings family and friends back together. However, there are some things you should avoid doing on Facebook. Below, I am going to give you 7 things you shouldn’t do on Facebook…

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Don’t Use Normal Passwords

Don’t Use Normal Passwords Photo Credit: Kip Photographie

You do not want someone hacking into your Facebook account and wrecking havoc, so you should not use normal passwords. Avoid using those simple words or names that you can find in a dictionary, even if they have numbers at the end. Instead, mix upper and lower case letters with symbols and numbers together. Your password should at least be eight characters long.


Do Not Leave Your Full Birth Date on Your Profile

Do Not Leave Your Full Birth Date on Your Profile Photo Credit: jasonshellen

This is a great target for those identity thieves out there. They could use it to obtain more information about you and gain access to your banking account. If you have already entered that birth date in, then go to your profile page and click on the information tab and then edit information. Under the basic information tab, choose to show on the month and day.

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Don't Overlook Useful Privacy Controls

Many overlook those useful privacy controls. Don’t do this! You can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends or yourself. Restrict access to birth date, photos, family information and religions views. You can give only certain groups or people access to certain things such as photos.


Do Not Post Your Child’s Name in the Caption

Do Not Post Your Child’s Name in the Caption Photo Credit: unleashingmephotography

Don’t use a child’s name in photos. If someone else does, then ask them to delete it. This is a way to keep your children safe.


Do Not Mention That You Will Be Away from Home for the Weekend

This is not something you should do over Facebook. This will let potential thieves know that you will not be home. This is like putting a “no one is home” sign up on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone what you did.

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Do Not Let Search Engines Find You

In order to help prevent strangers from getting to your page, go to the search section on your privacy controls and select only friends for Facebook search results. Make sure the box for public search results has not been checked.


Do Not Allow Youngsters to Use Facebook without Supervision

Do Not Allow Youngsters to Use Facebook without Supervision Photo Credit: Micke-fi

Facebook limits its members to ages thirteen and over, but kids younger than that do not use it. If you have a young child or a teenager on Facebook, it would be best to become one of their friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account, this way you see their notifications and can monitor their activities.

Those are 7 things you shouldn’t do on Facebook. Also, adding strangers to your Facebook may not be such a good idea either. So, what about you? Do you have an obsession with Facebook?

Top Photo Credit: smlions12

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