21 Signs It's Just Sex and Not a Relationship ...


21 Signs It's Just Sex and Not a Relationship ...
21 Signs It's Just Sex and Not a Relationship ...

I hear so many of my friends talking about how they met a guy and had wonderful sex and then the guy only calls or comes by when he wants sex. OK honey what you need to know is that what you had with him was a physical attraction that magnified feelings of a deeper nature. Now let me make myself clear he is not a bad guy, for the most part, he was simply thinking “it’s just sex what’s the harm in that”. So here are some super signs to look for to see if it is just sex:

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Every Time You See Each Other It’s Only to Have Sex

hair,person,facial hair,action film,screenshot, So many women and men are having this type of relationship thinking that it’s more and it’s not. It’s Just Sex.


This type of relationship is not uncommon, but it is important to remember that it is not a healthy or sustainable one. It is possible to develop feelings for someone you have sex with, but it is unlikely to lead to a lasting relationship. People in this type of relationship should be aware that it is not likely to evolve into a more meaningful one. Additionally, it is important to practice safe sex and to be aware of the potential risks of having sex without a committed relationship.


Only Comes over at Night

had,adult,sleepover., They call you around 10 pm or later asking if you can come over or if they can come over around midnight. A lot of people think “oh they are just really busy” no they are calling for a booty call. It’s Just Sex.


This behavior is an unmistakable signal that their interest in you isn't about emotional connection, but rather a physical one. If it's always after-hours and never during daylight – think about it, are brunch dates or afternoon walks in the park ever on the agenda? Likely not. It's a relationship that's operating on their time, suiting their needs, and it's all about the convenience of it. That's not partnership; that's a call of desire. In your gut, you know there's no depth to these encounters.

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Doesn’t Want to Go out Anywhere

face,human action,hair,nose,cheek, Yes staying at home is nice sometimes but there is a whole world outside of the bedroom. It’s Just Sex

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Never Talks about Family and Friends

Talk,me,,talk,talk,me,, Think, do you even know if their parents are alive, do they have siblings. If you don’t know it might just be sex.


In a real relationship, sharing details about one's inner circle is a given. It's a way to let someone in, to make them feel included in your life. If you're in the dark about even the most basic details of their personal life, it's a pretty telling sign. Conversations that evade anything deeper than surface-level topics can indicate a lack of emotional investment, which is a red flag if you're looking for something more meaningful than casual encounters.

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Doesn’t Want to Hear about Your Family and Friends

black and white,photography,monochrome photography,film noir,darkness, Are you bummed out about your family and want to talk about it and they don’t want to hear about it. It could be just sex

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Phone Conversations or Text Messages Are Only in a Sexual Nature

you,want,see,picture,sweaty, Do you only swap sexy texts or photos? Some relationships are like this but others are Just Sex.

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You Only Meet at Places Where Sex Can Occur

furniture,bed,bed sheet,Hey,guys!, Only going to their house/apartment or vice verse might just be sex.

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No Sleepovers

person,man,male,muscle,mouth, They come over at midnight have sex and then around 2 am they want to go home or send you home. Oh yeah it’s just sex.


This behavior points to a clear-cut arrangement where emotional ties aren't on the table. If you find that pillow talk is non-existent and the bed is quickly cooled after the deed is done, it's a strong indication that you're in a hookup scenario rather than a blossoming relationship. It's all about physical satisfaction—once that's achieved, the connection seems to fizzle out, literally by night's end. If you're longing for a cuddly morning-after, you may need to adjust your expectations with this setup.

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You Don’t Eat Together

hair,black hair,face,person,eyebrow, Ever hear that old saying “a couple that eats together stays together”.


This adage underscores the intimacy of sharing meals, a basic human connection bonding us through the ritual of eating. When your encounters are solely bedroom-based, skipping the dinner table talks, you miss out on this fundamental form of closeness. It's not just about the food—it's the conversations, the laughs, and those tender moments that weave the fabric of a relationship. If all you savor together is the physical, it might be a sign that you're in a casual fling rather than a nourishing partnership.

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They Take a Shower Right after Sex and Send You on Your Way

face,mouth,sense, Normally you want to rest a bit and maybe talk. When they all of a sudden they want you to leave it’s probably just sex.

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Never Talk about Life outside the Bedroom

person,speech,speaker, There are so many other things going on that you could talk about.

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You Only Have a Cell Phone or Beeper Number

face,person,nose,man,male, It could be Just Sex

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When You Talk It’s Only to Setup a Sex Time

screenshot,action film,midnight,special effects,fictional character, Ever call then and setup a time to meet and you end up having sex. It’s Just Sex.

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They Avoid You in Public

anime,the,weekend,don,know, You see them and you know they saw you and they turn away. It’s Just Sex.

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Only Spends a Couple of Hours with You

person,screenshot,facial hair,Global, Only spend enough time with you to have sex. Then It’s Just Sex.

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There is No Quality Time

hair,person,hairstyle,long hair, No matter how busy he says he is, if was serious about the two of you he’d make an effort to spend time with you outside the bedroom.

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He Keeps His Distance

person,screenshot,Wait.,What?, He makes sure the two of you never get too close emotionally by keeping things from you. If you tell him you like it when he does a certain something, he’ll stop because he wants to keep things casual emotionally.

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He Tells You so

image,Damn,it,,just,really, Has he ever straight-up told you that he’s not interested in anything serious and just wants to play the field? He wouldn’t be saying these things if it weren’t true!

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You Initiate All Communication

meal,Why,won't,you,talk, If it’s not about sex, all communication is likely to come from you. Are you the only one suggesting dates? Are you the only one who tries to start a real conversation when the two of you are together?

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He Doesn’t Care if He Hurts Your Feelings

person,human positions,sitting,professional,DON'T, If you get visibly upset about the lack of communication or closeness between you two and doesn’t care, he probably doesn’t care about you, either.

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He Cheats

face,person,beauty,hairstyle,brown hair, Or should I say he has multiple sex partners that he’s not very private about. If the guy is openly having sex with multiple partners, it is definitely not a relationship.

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

HI girls... I need help i am soooo confused!!! So my boyfriend broke up with me last new years and I met this guy right after he broke up with me the same week... we have been seing eachother since Jan. but in Feb. my brother stole my cell phone and sold it so i lost his number, he went everywhere to look for me and tried to call and text me but my brother stole my phone so i couldent recieve his text or calls and one day he found me on facebook in March and i didnt have sex with him until April. he has not asked me to be his girlfriend yet so im really confussed he takes me to dinner movies i sleep over sometimes we watch t.v. together so is it just sex or does he see more in me? one time i asked him if i was just his sex buddy and he said i was on drugs and that i was his princess... i dont know he confuses me any advice?

Well if you ask me?! Sex is SEX ..... Have fun with it! Enjoy the fuck out of it! Geez.....

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