Soups around the World - Facts and Tips


Soups around the World - Facts and Tips
Soups around the World - Facts and Tips

Today, the art of making healthy soups is completely neglected in the United States. We seem to prefer ready canned concoctions with few natural ingredients to taking time and efforts of preparing a healthy and satisfying bowl of homemade soup. However, in every great cuisine of the world - French, Russian, Italian, etc., natural soups form an integral part of culinary art

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Soup is a breakfast food in many cultures. In Japan, the day is started with a bowl of miso soup or fish broth with rice. In France, children traditionally ate leftover home-made soup before going to school. The typical modern breakfast of white croissants and coffee has been adopted in France only after the Second World War


In Most Restaurants, Even Upscale Ones, soups Are Not Made of Scratch. Instead of Using Nourishing Broth, Restaurant Cooks “brew” Soups from Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (loaded with Neurotoxin MSG) and Other Undesirable Chemicals


A secret ingredient for every successful soup is a home-made broth. Simmer for several hours or overnight bones of chicken, turkey, lamb, or beef with a handful of coarsely chopped vegetables, such as carrots, onions, and celery, add salt and spices, and use this wonderful broth for making a variety of healthy and nourishing home-cooked soups



Clear unblended soups usually feature meat, grains, or vegetables in a meat-based stock and are served as a dinner starter


Creamy blended soups can be served as a meal in itself for lunch, or as a snack. The French traditionally eat blended soups with their evening meal. In order to prepare creamy soups with ease, invest in a handheld blender and blend your soups in their own pots. The whole process will only take a couple of minutes and will leave no additional pans to clean up


Natural sour cream, piima cream, or crème fraiche, added to your soup in a bowl as a final step, usually bring heavenly results. Not only do they add a delicious taste and smooth texture, they also supply enzymes and fat-soluble vitamins in abundance and help digestion


In the Russian traditions, beet or rye bread kvass, sauerkraut juice, or cultured whey are added to soups. They provide valuable vitamins and lactic acid and add to soups a touch of agreeably sour taste


Adding Fish Sauce Instead of Salt is Another Excellent Traditional Soup-making Practice That Comes from Thailand and Vietnam. This Clear, Brown Fermented Sauce, Made from Tiny Whole Fish, is Rich in Iodine and Other Valuable Substances That Benefit the Thyroid Gland


Soup is a perfect Way to Add Vegetables to the Menu of Those Family Members, Especially Children, Who Usually Turn up Their Noses at Anything Green on the Plate

Pictures by disneymike, by Kildall fotografi

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