4 Medical Tests That May save Your Life ...


4 Medical Tests That May save Your Life ...
4 Medical Tests That May save Your Life ...

Not only should we ladies get that regular teeth cleaning sessions, eye check ups and visits to the dermatologist, we should also undergo certain tests that may prove to be life saving. Here are four medical tests that may save your life (please don’t hesitate to share this with your friends or better yet, direct them to this page!):

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Test High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein

This test measures the amount of inflammation in your body by examining levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) in your bloodstream. Our bodies naturally produce inflammatory responses in order to ward off infections and heal wounds. However, high levels of that may cause the blood vessels to harden and that’s not a good thing.

Now if you’re one who has the symptoms of heart disease (havehigh levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure), then you must undergo this test. Ask for the high-sensitivity CRP test rather than the standard one, which is used for diagnosing conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease.

If you have a medical insurance plan, ask if this test is covered. Generally, the test costs about $60.


Test Audiogram

This is very important especially for women who usually get exposed to noise. If you’re fond of going to rock concerts for instance or if your work/job requires you to have extra loud headphones, then you must take this test before your level of hearing gets damaged.

You’ll know if you need to take this test if you have dizzy spells or if you simply have difficulty listening or hearing. One sign is if you tend to increase the volume of your television set even if you didn’t do that before.


Test Glaucoma

Here’s a quick realization point for you: Half of the people who have glaucoma don’t even know it. This, according to Louis Cantor, M.D., director of glaucoma service at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Glaucoma occurs when the fluid pressure in the eye rises and then damages the optic nerve.

Do everything possible to save your eyesight! Testing for glaucoma involves two tests: tonometry and ophthalmoscopy. During a tonometry, your doctor will measure the inner pressure of the eye with a puff of air or a probe. Ophthalmoscopy, on the other hand, is used to examine the inside of the eye. The doctor will use a lighted instrument to examine the optic nerve.


Test Vitamin B12

If you tend to be listless or restless or if you feel you don’t have energy that could last throughout the day, then this test should be taken. Testing for **Vitamin B12 **involves the measuring of the amount of the said vitamin in the blood, which helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells in the body.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can raise your risk for depression and even dementia.

Women who are vegetarians are highly encouraged to take this test, since the only dietary sources of vitamin B12 come from animals.

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