The Best Places to Meet Single Men ...


The Best Places to Meet Single Men ...
The Best Places to Meet Single Men ...

Whether you belong to the SYF (Single Young Female) or the SMAF (Single Middle-Aged Female) - it’s high time to ditch the usual places where you hangout to meet men.

When you go to a singles bar, for example, it’s pretty obvious for them to assume that you’re there, **desperately **wishing to hook up with a single guy.

Remember that Sex and the City **episode where Carrie taught a seminar about meeting men before a packed crowd of cynical and **frustrated women from New York?

One of the women asked Carrie if she’s ever been married. Later on in the episode, she realized that despite the many things she has written about men and relationships, she’s still as clueless about men as the rest of the SYF’s and the SMAF’s are.

My point is that it’s time to hangout less in the most obvious singles hookup joints - because single men are everywhere!

There are single men in your local church, libraries, the Laundromat, your office or college, a gadgets store, a steakhouse, the gym - or your very own version of “Central Park” - that diner that you and your friends always hang out in.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

please let me know what that places are on this page but not send me to other long bored article. Thank you!

The majority of my friends including me met their boyfriends and husbands in the most unexpected places! College liabrary, book fair, Skype chat. Most of them met the guys at work or through friends. And only one girl, I think, met her man in a club. So there you go! :)

I wish there was more advice in this article - more suggestions for places would be a lot more helpful

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