9 Classic Romantic Gestures ...

Denise Nov 9, 2010

9 Classic Romantic Gestures ...
9 Classic Romantic Gestures ...

I don’t know about you but I’m a sucker for old-fashioned romance. Electronic cards and letters, touching images, and online chats are great and all that. But somehow, they can’t compare to the real and personal touches these 9 classic romantic gestures have.

1. Flowers/Indoor Plant

Flowers/Indoor Plant Photo Credit: oliviermela

A long stemmed rose, a bouquet or basket of flowers…. No matter what the presentation is, receiving colorful blooms is enough to make any woman smile. And believe it or not, there are also some men who don’t mind receiving flowers. If your significant other doesn’t like receiving flowers, then maybe a nice indoor plant would be an appreciated gesture.

2. Handwritten Letter

Handwritten Letter Photo Credit: jessica donnellan

Finding that romantic email amidst all the work stuff is really refreshing. But getting a handwritten letter is greatly treasured. The art of letter writing is dying so getting a personalized missive expresses great love and appreciation.

3. Love Poem

Love Poem Photo Credit: LegendsSpeedShop

Not everyone is gifted in composing poems. So it says a lot when someone goes through the trouble of making even the simplest of poems.

4. Serenade

Serenade Photo Credit: *Alizabeth*

Music is a language that transcends time, race, and culture. A serenade will touch the heart and soul of a loved one. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a great singing voice; just the emotion, the love, and the message that you communicate with the song is enough.

5. Home Cooked Meal

Home Cooked Meal Photo Credit: theladymargaret

The time and effort spent making a home cooked meal shows love like no other. I don’t think there is any expensive restaurant that can make something that infuses delicious flavors and love into one dish, let alone a whole meal.

6. Meaningful Presents

Meaningful Presents Photo Credit: Johan Verrips

Make hard-earned money work wonders for your relationship by using it to buy occasional romantic or meaningful presents. Anything that shows that you pay attention and that you know the person will make the heart beat faster. The price doesn’t matter; the love and intention behind the choice are the most important things.

7. Dance

Dance Photo Credit: eyecatcher

Dancing or even just swaying to a romantic song can strengthen your love and connection with each other. The beauty of music and bodies in sync somehow create a magical moment where you loosen up and feel closer to your partner. The best thing about dancing is you don’t have to leave the house to do it.

8. Song Compilation

Song Compilation Photo Credit: JenniPenni

Having a compilation of your songs will serve as a reminder of what you have on days when things get rough. The songs can come in a mix CD or you can also make a playlist in your mp3 player. Adding new songs to your collection is a definite must.

9. Physical Contact

Physical Contact Photo Credit: Brian Auer

A simple touch, a quick kiss, a bear hug.… You can feel true love even in the simplest physical contact. Remember that touch therapy promotes a healthy body and a strong connection between people.

Living in this modern and technological world doesn’t excuse anyone from making these classic romantic gestures. They have worked for years and they will continue to work their magic on relationships. Continue the habit of performing these romantic acts or slowly incorporate them back into your life; see the changes could you experience.

Top Photo Credit: ZedBee | Zoë Power

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