8 Daytime Date Ideas ...


8 Daytime Date Ideas ...
8 Daytime Date Ideas ...

Who says you have to wait until dark to go on a date? There are tons of fun things you can do while the sun is still out in the sky, although some couples are wary of going out then. They think there's nothing fun to do! Check out these 8 daytime date ideas, though, and see if they change your mind!

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Visit a Museum

Visit a Museum Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Going to a museum is a great idea for a daytime date. There are so many things you can do and so many things the two of you can explore together. Heck, just think of Ferris Bueller. He, Sloane, and Cam had a blast at the museum on his day off. You and your date can enjoy a little culture shock while exploring all the different exhibits.


Take a Hike

Take a Hike Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

If you like staying active and being in nature, then this is a perfect idea. Better still, you can actually do it no matter what the weather. You might not want to go out hiking in the rain, but some people love nothing more than walking through warm summer showers, for instance. And even in the winter, you can take snowshoes or cross country skis and be on your way.


Have a Picnic

Have a Picnic Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Spring, summer, and fall are the perfect seasons for this kind of daytime date. It is romantic, sweet, and sadly overlooked. People still go on picnics, of course, but it seems like fewer and fewer couples consider this a date idea. That's sad, because it's the perfect way to spend some time together, it doesn't cost a lot, and you can pretty much do it at any hour of the day.


Take in a Ballgame

Take in a Ballgame Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

This one only works if you can at least tolerate sports, but lots of girls can. I myself will happily watch hockey for hours, but anyway! Going to a baseball or football game together can be tons of fun because they tend to be outside, but even basketball games and other sporting events that take place during the day make great date activities. And seeing a game live sure beats watching it on television!


Walk along the Beach

Walk along the Beach Image source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

Walking on the beach has become a bit of a cliché, but that doesn't mean it's not romantic. Quite the contrary, walking hand in hand along the shore is a wonderfully intimate, daytime activity. You can even seek out shells together, to help you remember your day. Shells are great keepsakes and looking for them together is a lot of fun.


Go to the Zoo

Go to the Zoo Image source: legacyentries.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Visiting the zoo is a highly underrated activity, but is only an option if you and your date like animals. If so, this is really a marvelous activity. The animals are so cute, you're out in nature, you can take your time strolling through the different exhibits and habitats, and you can have so much fun with each other. Most cities and towns have a zoo in them or close by, and the cost of admission is hardly ever outlandish.


Go Berry Picking

Go Berry Picking Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

This activity is both largely free and delicious. I've never paid to go berry picking because typically, you know, you just find wild bushes and pick the berries, but there are farms and things where you can pay to go berry picking. Either way, it's a leisurely, fun activity that allows you to spend quiet time with together, so you can get to know each other.


See a Concert in the Park

See a Concert in the Park Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Last but not least, concerts in the park are excellent daytime date ideas. They occur both during the day and in the early evening, many of them are free, and they make really original dates. If you love music, especially, this is an excellent way to get to know your date.

There are many other things you can do together in the daytime; these are just a few of them. Do you have any ideasto add to the list? And when do you prefer to go on dates, in the daytime or at night?

Top Photo Credit: ineddd

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Walking hand in hand....

People shouldn't go to the zoo they hurt animals when training them.

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