7 Cool Hobbies to Try with Your Boyfriend ...


7 Cool Hobbies to Try with Your Boyfriend ...
7 Cool Hobbies to Try with Your Boyfriend ...

Have you ever noticed that some couples seem to have such a great time doing things together? It’s likely because they’re not always doing an activity or pursuing a hobby the girl wants to do — they’re probably doing things they both want to do! If you want to try a hobby your boyfriend might like, I can help! Here’s a list to give you some ideas… 7 cool hobbies to try with the man in your life!

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1. Home-brewing Beer

If you like cooking or baking, then you may want to try home-brewing your own beer! What man wouldn’t fall, or stay, head over heels in love with a girl that can make a mean IPA or stout? It takes a little time and patience, but it’s fun, and so rewarding to drink a beer you’ve made yourself… with a little help from your sweetie!

2. Target Shooting

My boyfriend has a collection of handguns and he loves to shoot them at the range. I went with him once, on a whim, and now I’m hooked! It’s a little expensive, and very, very loud, but this is one hobby your boyfriend and you will both love — and you even get to compete with him!

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3. Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a very manly pastime, and is fantastic exercise, especially for your upper body… so why not give it a try? It’s a great idea to try an indoor wall first, to get some practice in, but if you climb all winter, you’ll be ready to try the real thing by summer!

4. Flag Football

In my little suburb of Detroit, there are a number of flag football leagues, co-ed, and it’s so much fun to play! Without the worry of being tackled and injured, we girls actually have some advantages — we’re pretty light on our feet, and so fast! Wouldn’t it be fun to play on a flag football team with your boyfriend?

5. Golf

Ah, golf. It’s a men’s and a women’s sport, so you may already play. If you don’t though, know this — it involves a lot of walking, which means a lot of time together. It’s also a lot of fun, if you can ever develop your swing (I’m still working on mine)…

6. Rock Band

It’s just a simple fact — boys love video games, and they love playing (or pretending to play) rock music. Playing Rock Band is a big improvement over playing air guitar and air drums, or singing into your hairbrush… and with so many great songs to choose from, why not try it? Your boyfriend will appreciate a bass player or lead singer, and you’ll have a chance to impress him by hitting those high notes.

7. Fishing

Perhaps a little more relaxed than the other things on this list, but fishing can be a great hobby to try with your man. It’s calm, quiet, and can even lead to a fab home-cooked fish dinner. So you can impress him with your fish-catching skills and your cooking skills!

Would these hobbies be so much fun to try with your boyfriend? I know I love target shooting and playing Rock Band with mine, and I can’t wait to try golf… I’m not positive about fishing yet, but we’ll see! Which of these do you and your boyfriend do together? Or is there something you do with him that’s not on this list? Please let me know!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

If my girlfriend suggested any of these things, I would dump her instantly. Probably launch a lifelong grudge against her as well for the immensity of the insult.

I do all of these things with my fiance and he loves having me around. It's nice to have hobbies together, especially if you're basically with your best friend. We do everything together and it never gets on our nerves or anything. It's important to learn what he likes and it's important for him to learn what you like and if it's something you both love to do together then you should do it! Make the relationship more fun and exciting. I am sick of those couples who just do their own things, they barely spend time together unless it's at the dinner table or in bed. He's not just your boyfriend or husband and you're not just his girlfriend or wife, you both should be best friends! And as far as golfing goes, we both hate golf but we'd play it together!

Outdated gender roles...yack, yack, yack. It's a cute little article and guess what, most men do like a number of these type of activities. Now if you are hooked up with some metro-sexual wimp or if you yourself are some sort of Wrapped-too-tight feminist, then do yourself a favor. Move to San Fran or the Village in NYC and both of you find your real sexual orientation. Otherwise, try some of these or just leave him alone with his ESPN and or History Channel.

I too agree name...save for fishing, I find nothing on that list even mildly fun. This list seems to have been put together by someone who thinks all men can be summed up in typical cliches...

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