8 Tips on Using Facebook for Your Business ...


8 Tips on Using Facebook for Your Business ...
8 Tips on Using Facebook for Your Business ...

Facebook is becoming ubiquitous, and it seems like all of my favorite business and bands, especially the local ones, have Facebook pages. They’re a useful way for me to find information and learn more about local businesses, so I recently did a little research on which business use Facebook successfully, and how they do it. Here’s what I’ve found! If you’re thinking of using Facebook to reach out to your customers or fans, I can help! Here are 8 tips on using Facebook for your business…


Get Your User Name

Get Your User Name Photo Credit: castortroy520

If you have 25 or more people that “like” your business on Facebook, you’ll have the option of choosing your user name. This is convenient because choosing your user name gives you a unique, easy-to-=find address like this: facebook.com/business. Perfect!


Update Frequently

Update Frequently Photo Credit: Spencer E Holtaway

The key to keeping your customers interested on Facebook is providing current, timely information and frequent updates. The local zoo sends me updates each day called “your daily dose of Vitamin Z,” but my favorite brew pub only sends me a message about once a month. Who do you think I’m more aware of? One thing to remember, though: only post updates that are relevant.


Keep It Clean

Keep It Clean Photo Credit: lydiafairy

This is supposed to be a page representing your business or band, so strive to keep it clean and professional. Delete personal attacks that others post, and never stoop to the level of insulting anyone else, even if they deserve it.


Monitor It Carefully

Monitor It Carefully Photo Credit: Salvo Vaccarella

Current or potential customers may post messages on your Facebook Wall, but how will you know unless you log in and check? It’s a great idea to monitor your Facebook page at least a few times a day so you can read and respond to all new inquiries and statements, and so you can delete anything offensive or inappropriate someone else may have posted.


Offer an Online Special

I love it when a business that I follow on Facebook offers a special discount that the only announce there. It’s a good way to reward your loyal Facebook followers, and will hopefully increase business in the long run! If you’re a band, it’s a great way to announce shows!


Use Media Links

Use Media Links Photo Credit: odysseybmx.com

If your business is featured in the paper or has a commercial on your website, post links to these on Facebook! More and more of your customers are using Facebook as a one-stop source for information and updated, so it’s a good way to make sure they see all the things you want them to see.


Encourage Interaction

Encourage Interaction Photo Credit: tapasparida

Facebook is great because it’s so interactive, hence the expression “social media.” To make your business even more social media savvy, ask customers questions, or invite their comments on a new product or service. And respond to these, and other suggestions, too!


Run an Ad

Run an Ad Photo Credit: JennKstep

Facebook does offer some advertising space, and the ads are usually small but can be clever. If you have a little money in your advertising budget, too, try running an ad for a week or so… they’re targeted and really do reach the right people… just make sure the ad is understandable, and that there’s a distinct call to action…

Facebook can be a great tool for businesses if they know just how to use it… these are just a few basic tips, but I’m sure there are more! Do you use Facebook for tour business or band? Do you have any tips to share? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: JennKstep

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