There are many reasons to keep your computer virus free and will be mentioning them in this blog. When you have a computer it's your job to keep your computer maintain, like you would do a car. Viruses are like diseases and viruses we get every day in real life. Please read my 8 reasons to keep your computer Virus free…
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Personal Information Can Be Lost
Photo Credit: VirusVault
For any company that uses a computer or family member holding important documents on their computer don't need viruses. You might get a virus that messes a few programs up, but it could make your firewall allow backdoors in to steal personal information. You might consider avoiding password savers if you don't virus protection.
Hard Drive Failure
Photo Credit: Englishbox
Many viruses go to the main source and that’s to corrupt the hard drive. The hard drive holds all the information to ruin programs and keep the computer running like it should. Once it corrupts the hard drive, your hard drive might not even boot up. This happens to many people every day and this is results to no virus protection on their computer.
Frequently asked questions
Harm the Bios
Photo Credit: Ian Tindale
Some viruses can flash your bios to ruin your motherboard completely. If you don't know how flash your bios, you could pay money for a computer expert to fix it. This is a waste of time and caused by you not getting a virus protector. There are tons of free virus protection software that can be downloaded in seconds.
Chance Your Fan Speeds
Photo Credit: Pumpkin muncher
Viruses can cause many different changes to your computer and one of them is overheating your computer. Any hacker can go in your computer and change the cooling in your computer. You might consider getting virus protection if you see your fan speeds go very slow or changed. Most computers come with programs that warn them of these changes or overheating problems.
Make You Reformat
Photo Credit: 37prime
I don't know how many times I've got a virus for not being protected. It ended up being too late when I went to download a free virus protector. The program grows fast in a few days and sometimes within seconds, it will mess your entire computer up.
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Common Sense
Photo Credit: William Dalton
I say common sense, because everyone that owns a computer knows viruses can destroy your computer. No person out there that I talk to don't have some sort of free program or virus protection on their computer.
Cost You Money
Photo Credit: TW Collins
It might make you have to buy a new hard drive or motherboard. You might have to take it to a computer store to get a new windows installed. It's a money waster, when you know it's easy to get a virus protection program.
Identify Theft
Photo Credit: p*p
This is a major problem with spyware, but viruses allow spyware to get on your computer, by harming your firewall. Once it finds it's way in, you can't protect what you type, say, or even passwords from it. They can still banks from you or even credit card numbers. Virus protection is much needed when it comes to searching the Internet.
Viruses are used for one thing and that is to destroy or cause your computer to be infected by other programs on the Internet. It's a rule to go by and you should always get a virus protector on your computer. Have you recently had a virus you couldn't get rid of?
Top Photo Credit: andrea z