Unless his last name is Hefner and his house is swarming with big busted blondes, an older guy can be a real catch. I just have to give credit to that special kind of men like George Clooney or Brad Pitt, men that look better now than they looked in their twenties. These guys are like fine vine, the older they get the better they look and that’s not all! So let me just list a few more good reasons to even consider dating a guy a couple of years older than you…
Snapshot Survey
He is a Complete Person
We are all modern, educated women with our own money and we need a man that can keep up with our tempo. “Behind every great man is an even greater woman”, don’t forget that ladies. We need a strong male figure –an experienced, successful and, most importantly, well-balanced man.
He Knows How to Work “it”
Photo Credit: Dennis Wong
Let me tell you this: When it comes to sex, I always prefer being a student then being a teacher. And being experienced in the bedroom doesn’t mean just memorizing every image and instruction in Kama Sutra. It takes time, practice and knowledge and he sure had enough time to practice and perfect the technique of lovemaking.
No Jealous Episodes
The man had enough time to validate his ego (and we all know how tricky a thing like male ego can be). He know how much he’s worth and he knows why you picked him. He is not insecure and he won’t check up on you or try to control you. He knows exactly what made his previous girlfriends jealous and he will try to avoid doing things that might cause you to act the same.
You Have the Excuse to Act Childish
Photo Credit: gemsling
When my ten years older fiancé says, “God, you’re acting like a child!” I give him the cutest look and reply, “Yeah, I’m your little girl and you have to do that for me!”, then I do a childish, cute pout and flutter my eyelashes. That always does the trick and he smiles and gives me a kiss, no matter what kind of a serious discussion (read: fight) we were having at the moment.
He Says and Does All the Right Things
Photo Credit: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Festival
He knows forgetting your birthday would be an unforgivable sin. He knows that between an early-morning sex and breakfast in bed you would always choose the latter. When you are sad, he says exactly what you need to hear. He knows that you are mad even if you say that everything is OK and he wants to talk about it.
He Has a Lot of Interesting Stories to Tell
Photo Credit: Siebbi
His "book of life" had more time to be written than yours so there will always be an interesting story he can tell. You can listen to him for days and still not hear everything. This quality makes him an ideal person to take with you to a family reunion or a dinner with friends. He will always be the center of attention and you will just love that.
He is Willing to Commit and Settle down
Photo Credit: Kim Marius Flakstad
Unless you had the “luck” to run into Peter Pan or George Clooney, you have pretty good chances to snag him for good. He is single for a reason, so, if the doesn’t fall into the above mentioned category of men that will probably never get married, the chances are he is still looking for the girl of his dreams.
Most of His Friends Are His Age
Photo Credit: Hugo's Dad
The women in his life are either married with kids or no match for you. His male friends are married too, so you have nothing to worry about. The only bad side to that is that you will have to attend many children’s parties and family-style celebrations but hey, at least you’ll get to eat a lot of colorful cupcakes.
Honestly, dating out of my age group was never my thing but once I laid eyes on HIM, that rule disappeared as if it was never there. So never say “never”… I guess that is my rule now. What do you think about it? Have you ever dated somebody considerably older than you? And how did that turn out?
Top Photo Credit: nicogenin
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