7 Tips on Traveling with a Baby ...


7 Tips on Traveling with a Baby ...
7 Tips on Traveling with a Baby ...

You just had a beautiful baby and now you want to take your baby on a trip to visit family members. Before you do this, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Below, I am going to give you 7 tipson travelingwith a baby

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Bring Clothes to Change into

Bring Clothes to Change into If you are going from a warm place to a cold one, then you need to pack accordingly. Don't forget to pack ina sweater, a warm blanket, a woolen hat, some socks and maybesome gloves as well.


Safety Seat

When you are traveling, you will need to have a good safety seat installed in the car. I cannot stress the importance of this! Remember, if you are breastfeeding, don’t do this while the car is moving. Also, never take the child out of the seat while it is moving.

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Keep Your Baby Safe from Germs

Keep Your Baby Safe from Germs Photo Credit: herwigphoto.com

Your baby has not built his or herimmune system up. They are more prone to germs and getting sick. If you’re meeting your extended family, insist that only those who wash their hands first touch your baby. Stick to this rule and don’t have every single person breathing in your baby's face.


Unpack Right Away

As soon as you arrive where you will be staying, unpack your baby's stuff. Doing this will make things much easier when it comes to changing and feeding time.


A Kitchen

A Kitchen If the hotel room you are staying in does not havea kitchen, create one! This will be the place you put the bottles , baby food, snacks, bowls, spoons and all of that good stuff for your baby.

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Pack Enough Diapers

Pack Enough Diapers Photo Credit: [griff] [griff] 'n [chuck]

Make sure you pack enough diapers in your diaper bag. You do not want to be sitting there worrying because you have no diapers left and you have no way to go get any. So, it’s always a good idea to pack extra diapers – maybe a whole box of them!


Get to the Airport Early

Get to the Airport Early Photo Credit: G-daddyArt

If you will be travelingby plane, then get there early. You will have to fold the stroller up, put it through the X-ray machine and this includes the baby carrier if you have a full travel system. You may also have to carry the baby through the detector. If you set any alarms off, the security may pat down the baby. Therefore, you should arrive atthe airport early.

There you have 7 tips on traveling with a baby. Personally, I would hold off on going to the airport for at least four months after the baby is born. Do you have experience with traveling with a new born baby? How did you manage?

Top Photo Credit: fspugna

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photo used in no. 4 is so cute. Apart from these keep handy emergency medicines for your baby.

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