7 Signs You Are Popular in School ...


7 Signs You Are Popular in School ...
7 Signs You Are Popular in School ...

Everyone wants to be popular. Even if they don’t admit it, they do. Being popular means you are accepted and cool and liked by others. But how do you know if you are popular? Maybe you already are and you just don’t know it? Here’s 7 sure ways to tell if you are popular!

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You Are Confident

You Are Confident Photo Credit: llgaryll

Confidence is an absolute must for popularity. If you are a confident person, there’s a good chance you are popular. And if you’re not popular than you are ok with that because a confident person accepts them self for who they are and makes their own circle of friends!


Confidence is a key factor in being popular in school. It is often seen as a sign of strength and self-assurance, which often leads to admiration from peers. Confident people tend to be more outgoing and approachable, making it easier to make friends and be accepted. They also tend to be more open to trying new things and taking risks, which can make them stand out from the crowd.

Having an optimistic attitude also contributes to being popular. People who are optimistic tend to be more upbeat and have a positive outlook on life, which can be contagious. This can be especially beneficial in school, as it can help to create a more positive environment and provide a sense of comfort to those around them.

Being kind and compassionate is also important for being popular in school. People who are kind and considerate of others are more likely to be liked, as they demonstrate qualities of empathy and understanding. Kindness is often seen as a sign of maturity, which can be attractive to other students.


You Are Bold

You Are Bold Photo Credit: Angel_SinClaudicar

A shy person has a big disadvantage when it comes to popularity. While your bashfulness may not make you “un-popular”, it may make you seem unapproachable and distant to your fellow classmates. If you don’t opening up to people easily and make friendly advances to them, they may shun or ignore you. So if you want to be more popular, be more bold!


Being popular in school is something that many students strive for. It can be a great way to make friends, increase self-confidence, and even open up new opportunities. However, becoming popular in school is not as easy as it may seem. It takes a certain set of skills and qualities to be seen as popular among peers.

One of the most important qualities for being popular in school is being bold. Shyness can be a big obstacle when it comes to making friends and being seen as popular. People may be turned off if you seem unapproachable or distant. To be more popular, you need to be more outgoing and make friendly advances to people.

Having a good sense of humor is also important when it comes to being popular in school. People love to laugh and be around those who can make them laugh. Being able to crack a joke or tell a funny story can be a great way to make friends and be seen as popular.

Confidence is also key when it comes to being popular in school. People are naturally drawn to those who have a strong sense of self-confidence. Confidence can also help you stand out from the crowd and make you more attractive to potential friends.


You Are Active in School Clubs and Activities

You Are Active in School Clubs and Activities Photo Credit: Jahangir @

If you never take part in any after-school activities or extra curricular classes or any school clubs and parties, there’s a big chance you are NOT popular! How could you be popular if you’re never around? Take a step and get more involved with the goings on in your school! Buzz around and then people will start buzzing around you.


You Get Good Grades

You Get Good Grades Photo Credit: lilpuddlejumpers

Ok, I don’t need to point out that most of the time it’s the nerdy, brainiac kids that get picked on. Usually this is because people are jealous of their intelligence. There’s no need to flaunt your brainpower around the school or walk around quoting algebra formulas, but you do need to try to work on your grades and maintain them. If nothing else, you will be accepted by your teachers and the study group buddies!


You Dress Well

You Dress Well Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon

Nobody wants to be seen hanging out with someone who looks like they slept in the outfit they are wearing! If you want to be popular, dress well and fix your hair. Make and effort to work on your appearance! You don’t need to be a model, but do try to look like you are related to one!


You Are Nice

You Are Nice Photo Credit: ARTS

Do you ever wonder if the “mean girls” know they are mean or if they think they are nice? I’m sure they know it! I know when I’ve been mean or rude to someone and I’m human so it must work that way for all of us! People love a nice person, so be friendly and outgoing and you will be well on your way to popularity!


You Are Not in Any Cliques

You Are Not in Any Cliques Photo Credit: George London

Most popular kids in school tend to only hang out with the other “popular” kids. Especially the snobby, rich ones! But the true popular kids, the genuine ones, are well known and pretty much liked by all. If you belong to any certain group or clique within your school, there’s a chance that you may not be very popular. But if you mix and mingle and hang out with all types, I’m sure you will be voted most popular in your high school yearbook!

Being popular has its advantages and disadvantages, just like everything else in life. Can you think of any other signs that you are popular that I didn’t mention here?

Top Photo Credit: Brandon Christopher Warren

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

it IS the oppisote exept for the " you dress well" part.. in my school every girl wears abercrombie or hollistore or aeropostele..... all the guy wear nike and underarmor or other stuff... AND EVERYONE WEARS ALOT OF PURFUME/ COLONGE!

Well, I must conclude that I was popular at my school =). One more sign, being popular is being a humble person.

#5 thanks

ahahahah this is like every thing a "popular" kid is not. and thats to bad):

^^ LOL i knoow. I guess it differs from schools?

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