As women there are many things that we spend a long time pondering over about the opposite sex and their behaviour. The truth is we will never be able to answer why they do the things they do. Here are 7 male habits we will never understand.
Snapshot Survey
Burping Loudly and Finding It Funny
Photo Credit: Smoochi
Okay so we all burp, it is a natural process but the majority of women try not to do this in public or if we do we make sure it is quiet. A lot of men seem to make their burp as loud as possible and not only do they find it hilarious but the rest of their male friends do too. I have yet to be enlightened by why this is funny.
Shopping for Clothes a Big NO, Shopping for Unnecessary Gadgets YES!
Photo Credit: Frizztext
How can men spend hours and hours shopping for unnecessary and often expensive gadgets, yet when they hear the words shopping and clothes together they suddenly become deaf? Even if they desperately need a new shirt they will put it off until the very last moment. They will try to get someone else to shop for them or when they do step foot, heaven forbid, into a clothing department they tend to grab the first item they see, buy it and out the door in under five minutes.
D.I.Y and the Inability to Hire a Professional when Necessary
Photo Credit: michaeljosh
Many men even if they know that they are unable to do something, even if they have spent hours trying will refuse to ask for help and hire a professional. In the majority of cases Do-it-Yourself translates to Destroy-it-Yourself, in my opinion if you are struggling ask for help.
I Know Where I Am Going; I do Not Need to Stop
Photo Credit: clay.wells
Ladies how many of you have sat in the car with a man, who is driving, you are blatantly lost as you have driven down the same road now ten times and they still refuse to ask for directions. The only response that you receive is “I know where I am going; I do not need to ask anyone”. In my opinion this can be one of the most frustrating male habits.
Bringing Strange Things Home with Them Whilst Drunk
Photo Credit: Tomasito.! (Sorry, Soo Busy // No Need to Comment)
For some strange reason when guys go out in groups and have a bit too much to drink they bring home random items, I have never known women to do this. A couple of examples of things that I have known guys to bring home are; a dressing gown that someone had left in a pub, a couple of traffic cones and a random poster.
Inability to Sympathise
Photo Credit: Aliraza Khatri
How is it that when we are feeling ill many men are unable to sympathise, or help out, yet when “man flu” rears its ugly head we are expected to feel sorry for them? Many of us when ill do not expect someone fussing over us but a little bit of help would not go amiss, when man flu appears it is as though they are dying and unable to lift a finger.
Photo Credit: Aliraza Khatri
How is it that when we are feeling ill many men are unable to sympathise, or help out, yet when “man flu” rears its ugly head we are expected to feel sorry for them? Many of us when ill do not expect someone fussing over us but a little bit of help would not go amiss, when man flu appears it is as though they are dying and unable to lift a finger.
Adding to the frustration, it seems that any minor ailment men face turns into a grand spectacle, demanding our full attention and care. Meanwhile, our own struggles are often minimized or overlooked, leaving us feeling underappreciated and unsupported. This lack of reciprocity can be puzzling and even disheartening, highlighting a disparity in how empathy and care are distributed.
Leaving the Toilet Seat up
Photo Credit: Greg Easton Photography
In most cases men lift the toilet seat up to go to the toilet, so why can they not remember to put the lid down again straight afterwards. It is as though they experience a complete mind blank and forget how things were before they arrived. This only takes a split second to complete and causes a lot less hassle if they have a female partner.
There you have 7 male habits we will never understand and I guess that we just have to learn to deal with that simple fact. Males and females are both very different and I am sure that there are certain things that they do not, and will not ever, understand about us. What annoys you?
Top Photo Credit: Farl
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