5 Hair Care Myths - Did You Know That ?


5 Hair Care Myths - Did You Know That ?
5 Hair Care Myths - Did You Know That ?

Think shaving your head will make hair grow faster? Or you believe your split ends might be mended by using a right hair product? Continue reading to find out myths and truths behind great-looking hair!
Myth # 1: If I shave my head, hair will grow back thick and healthy.
You for sure can try it, but don’t you think this measure is too drastic, especially now, when shaved heads are not in fashion anymore even among the most radical feminists? The truth is that your hair will grow back exactly how it was before… So, really, there is no reason to suffer!
Myth # 2: If you have your hair trimmed frequently, it will grow better.
Frequent trimming will be helpful against split ends (which, by the way, will not be cured by applying even the best-promoted hair products!), but it won’t influence the hair growth. Cut it or not, your hair will grow at the same speed, anyway - a bit faster in the summer, and a bit slower in the winter, when all processes within the body tend to slow down.
Myth # 3: The more expensive hair products I use, the better my hair will look.
Unfortunately, it is not true. We all are familiar with, and often are victims of, elaborate marketing techniques of those who are manufacturing and pushing onto the market an endless array of different hair-care products - shampoos, creams, conditioners, masks, lotions… you name it! Most of these products are useless or even dangerous for the health of our hair - just have a look at the list of ingredients, every one of which feature some unpronounceable chemicals, artificially produced in laboratories. Can some “Sodium Lauryl Sulfate” or “Propylene Glycol“, be really beneficial for your hair? I doubt so! A good rule of thumb to keep your hair healthy and thick is to choose only natural and preferably home-made hair care products.
Myth # 4: Hair shouldn’t be washed every day.
Actually, if your hair is oily, there is nothing bad about washing it every day, but only if you use a very mild natural shampoo, or, better so, a home-made hair soap. On the other hand, if your hair is dry, try to wash it as infrequently as you can, and apply a nourishing hair mask an hour before shampooing it.
Myth # 5: Plucking out grey hairs will make them sprout even more.
The truth is that, when your hair starts to turn grey, there is nothing much you can do about it, except for either colouring it or proudly wearing it as is, “salt and pepper”. Plucking out grey hairs or not, each year there will be more of them, anyway… In addition, plucking can damage hair follicles and even lead to an infection. So, either stick to a good-quality coloring agent and have your hair roots coloured every month or so, or just choose a funky haircut, which will make even grey hair look cool and sexy!

It’s not a myth that hair masks work, find out what All Natural Hair Mask you can make this week for healthier and shinier hair! Or check out this List of Professional Produts for Bautiful Hair and see if you are using the ones that are really good for your hair!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

True, trimming or shaving doesn't help at follicle level, only prevents and remove split ends, it only does a little bit for body hair, but just because they are sensitive to hormones. Maybe shaving less often slows that down but, remember that nothing happens if we aren't senstitive to those hormones to start with.

^.^ "Myth # 3: The more expensive hair products I use, the better my hair will look." I totally agree with Amanda about this. I once tried to use some series of hair product from some famous brands but it did not give the result i want. So, finally, i tried some homemade hair masks. They are awesome! One of my using mask is Mayonaise mixes with lemon juice. You can try it 1-2 times/week, after 3 weeek, you will see the miracle!

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