7 Absolutely Great Shaving Tips ...


7 Absolutely Great Shaving Tips ...
7 Absolutely Great Shaving Tips ...

Some women are obsessed with shaving, while others could care less. Come on, we’ve all seen those legs that just look pathetic, right? Bumps, razor cuts, and all! So how do you obtain great, satiny, smooth, silky looking legs? You know, the ones you see on TV that look so sexy? Well, I’ve put together a few of my favorite shaving tips. Keep reading to find out how you can have a pair of great looking legs this summer!

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Beyond Shaving

Beyond Shaving Photo Credit: Time-Freeze

Have your tried waxing? If you haven’t, but you have wanted to try it at home, my best word of advice would be this: Don’t buy the cheap drug store brands! They just don’t work as well and you will find your first experience unsatisfactory and upsetting. Also, if you have really stubborn hair, I would suggest leaving the wax job to a professional beauty salon. You might pay more money, but the results will leave you smiling for weeks!


Exfoliate First

Exfoliate First Photo Credit: maxwroe1

Honestly, this is something I just learned about, and it works. Legs tend to be dry and therefore produce much more dead skin cells. When you exfoliate before you shave, you remove the dead skin, allowing your razor a closer shave. Also, you will help prevent ingrown hair, which, by the way, is what causes all those unsightly bumps.


Eliminate Razor Burn and Bumps

Eliminate Razor Burn and Bumps Photo Credit: ResikY

Razor burn and umps can happen to the best of us, even when we are extra careful. You can buy over the counter products to heal razor burn and lessen the itch. Be sure your product includes salicylic acid. Another product to try is hydrocortisone cream. Another tip is to not shave in the same area more than once or twice.


Wet Your Skin First

Wet Your Skin First Photo Credit: Braun News

If you shave while in the shower or bath, wait about 10 minutes before you shave. This way, your skin has a chance to soften. Your leg hair will be easier to shave because the follicles will be softer. But don’t soak in the tub long. If you skin shrivels from the moisture, it also pulls the hair deeper into the skin.


Shaving Cream Advice

Shaving Cream Advice Photo Credit: RedSunflower25

You should always use shaving cream. Shaving your legs dry can cause itchy skin! It really does! If you have extra dry skin, the problem of itchy skin doubles after shaving. Use a good moisturizing shaving cream to combat that terrible itch!


Use Oil or Moisturizers

Use Oil or Moisturizers Photo Credit: Andrew Valadez

After you shave, smooth on extra oil, such as baby oil, or your favorite moisturizer. You skin will feel silky soft and smooth! This is great advice, especially if you have extra dry skin. My skin needs all the help it can get. I hate that itchy feel after I shave and try to avoid it at all costs!


Shave in the Right Direction

Shave in the Right Direction Photo Credit: spammo91

Leg hair grows in a downward direction, so you want to start shaving at your ankle and shave up, toward your knee. Clean your razor after every sweep. Dull or dirty razors can cut you and keep you from getting a close shave. DON’T buy cheap razors, either. Remember, you get what you pay for!

Here’s to your beautiful legs! Did any of these tips help you?

Top Photo Credit: looking through your eyes

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

After I shave there is always these tiny dots what should I do?

what about shaving your thighs?

Honestly I like wax better(: The hair grows back thiner then shaving. Plus in most cases it doesn't hurt at all!(:

A tip that has helped me, and gotten me much gratitude from my fellow ladies, is to shave with the direction of your hair (from the knee down) for a first round, and then against the grain (from the ankle up) for the second time around. I have heard this has helped some very sensitive, or long haired legs very happy!

If you are shaving your legs, and ran out of shaving cream, you may use hair conditioner instead, which gets the job done, leaving your legs smooth and soft.

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