10 Weight Loss Rules after Having Kids ...


10 Weight Loss Rules after Having Kids ...
10 Weight Loss Rules after Having Kids ...

First, I love seeing what new moms name their children. I am personally a fan of unique names. So after reading this article, apart from sharing your experience of losing weight with us, you can also tell us what you named your child (first name) and the way you felt when he or she was first put in your arms. Now, I give warm congratulations on that bundle of joy you gave birth to. Children can be a lot of fun. However, the weight that you gain during the nine months of pregnancy is not as fun. Losing that weight is even worse. New mothers are facing many nightmares as their body swells up and they are not able to lose the weight. I too went through the same problem. When I first got pregnant, I had people telling me to say goodbye to the nice body. Well, sure, you can say goodbye to the fit skinny body for those 9 months, but after the baby is out, it is time to get skinny again. Sure, you may not be able to get down to that size you were before pregnancy, but you can get darn close to it. Continue as I give you 10 weight loss rules after having kids…

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Do Not Rush and Start Dieting Right after You Have Given Birth

Do Not Rush and Start Dieting Right after You Have Given Birth This is especially true if you are breast feeding. I didn’t breast feed, I bottle fed with formula, so I started exercising as soon as I was recovered. What you need to do is concentrate on eating healthy and come up with some good exercise plans.

Photo Credit: FL4Y


Allow Your Body to Go Back to "normal" First

When your body has recovered and your period has started to go back to normal, start following that weight loss plan you came up with.


You Can Get Back to Your Normal Weight in over Half a Year

You Can Get Back to Your Normal Weight in over Half a Year If you gained no more than 22 to 30 pounds, then you may be able to return back to normal weight after eight months. This may sound slow, but those eight months will go fast before you know it.
Photo Credit: Robert S. Donovan


When You Breastfeed, It Can Help You to Lose Weight

This is because the process of breastfeeding is known for releasing a number of different hormones into the body, which will help the uterus return back down to the pre-pregnancy size and shape.


Eat Healthy for Both You and Your Baby’s Sake

Eat Healthy for Both You and Your Baby’s Sake This includes fruits and vegetables as well as water in your diet.

Photo Credit: floodkoff


The Quality and Amount of Food You Consume after You Give Birth Will Have a Big Impact on Your Health and Weight

The same rule can be applied to exercise, just do not overdo it.


No Matter What You do, You Should Always Look after Your Body

No Matter What You do, You Should Always Look after Your Body Your body has went through a lot of strain. In addition to this, that new arrival means you will need to have all of the energy you can possibly get.

Photo Credit: obo-bobolina


Find out about Food

Educate yourself about nutrition and not just weight loss.


Recruit a Partner That Will Be Willing to Work out with You

Recruit a Partner That Will Be Willing to Work out with You Another new mom would make a great partner. However, if you cannot find another new mom, then you can use anyone.

Photo Credit: RobW


Start by Setting Little Goals

This will include starting out around 1o minutes every day and increasing it gradually.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments that I first told you about in the first part of this blog.

Top Photo Credit: FL4Y

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi melanie, My name is lizzie, I am a 20 year old mom and now have a very beautiful daughter who i named becca nichole. The day she was placed in my arms after my cesarian birth was like holding a little piece of heaven. However after having her my father told me to keep moving and walking around after i had her. When i came home from the hospital i was suppose to be on bed rest till i healed up, i came home and was doing all of my normal everyday house chores. i weigh 233 and need to shed off my baby weight but cant seem to do that very thing. I use to weigh 175 and would like to get back to that weight, would you know any simpler ways at going at it? I even bought a treadmill and a ab circle pro thats suppose to help you lose your love handles and get a smaller tummy but the more i do the exercises the more i get depressed about my weight and give up. Can you help me?

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