14 Ways to Help You Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps ...


14 Ways to Help You Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps ...
14 Ways to Help You Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps ...

If you’re lucky, you don’t get menstrual cramps at all, or you only experience slight discomfort. But if you’re like the estimated 15% of women who suffer from severe menstrual cramps, your pain can be debilitating. If that’s the case, you ought to consult with your doctor to make sure your pain isn’t related to something more serious, like endometriosis. If your pain is less severe, but still sets your teeth on edge and makes you cranky, here are some tried-and-true ways to avoid cramping.

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Try Advil

Start taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug (I prefer Ibuprofen, like Advil) regularly three or four days before your period is ready to start. Ibuprofen lowers your body’s production of prostaglandins, which scientists believe contribute to menstrual cramps. But if you wait until you actually have cramps to take the Ibuprofen, it won’t be nearly as effective, so make sure to take it in the recommended dosage BEFORE your period starts.


Consider the Pill

The hormones in birth control pills not only help regulate your period, they also help maintain a steady level of hormones, which greatly reduces the severity of menstrual cramps.

Frequently asked questions


Maintain a Healthy Weight

Fat cells produce estrogen, a hormone that, if imbalanced, also contributes to uterine cramps.


Drink Plenty of Water

If you’re well-hydrated, your liver functions better, keeping your hormones (like estrogen) balanced.


Stay Away from Coffee

Caffeine, commonly found in colas, coffee, and even most teas, is a diuretic, and can make cramps a lot worse.

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Not just during your period, because who wants to exercise then? Exercise regularly. It will reduce your stress level (stress makes cramps feel worse), and it will release endorphins into your system, which will reduce the amount of pain you feel.


Heat is Your Friend

No matter how many preventive measures you take, camps happen. When they do, using a heat pad on your lower back and abdomen can help relax your muscles and relieve the pain.


Have a Salad

Leafy greens, like spinach, contain lots of magnesium, which is a natural muscle relaxant. Studies have shown that women with the worst cramping are often magnesium-deficient.


Don’t Forget the Fiber!

Excess hormones are expelled through our bowel tracts, but if they sit there for too long, our bodies re-absorb them (lovely!). So make sure you get plenty of fiber to keep the mail moving.


Skip the Chips

You might be craving salty junk food, but it will only make your cramps worse, trust me.


Try Yoga

Yoga is definitely high on the list of menstrual cramps remedies! Poses that target the pelvis and lumbar region, (where period pain is the worst) will be the most helpful to you! Experiment with different yoga poses or even hit up a yoga class. I'm sure the instructor will be more than happy to offer you some advice!


Calcium is Your Friend

Foods that are rich in calcium like yogurt, broccoli, cabbage and milk can help fight muscle spasms and avoid cramps. We all know how important calcium is and if you choose to get your daily dose through veggies like spinach and kale (or a salad like #8 suggests), it'll give you an extra dose of vitamins and can help lighten your flow. Win/win, right?


Try Aromatherapy Massage

It's spa time! Massages promote relaxation and that's exactly what we need when we have our periods. Did you know that the more tense you are, the more you can cramp? Well, massages will take away all the tension in your body!


Take a Hot Bath

Heat pads can definitely help you relieve your cramps but nothing's better than Immersing yourself in a hot bath. It'll help relieve your muscular tension and help you relax!

Since I started watching what I eat and went on the Pill, I haven’t had a single cramp. Not one. What about you? Do you have any anti-cramp tricks to share?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Vanessa Salles.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have had horrible cramps since I was around 12. There are only 3 things that always help me. Advil, a hot shower, and being with friends. I find that if you are by yourself you are more likely to focus on the pain which makes it seem like it is way worse than it actually is. When I hang out with friends my mind is with my friends and what we are doing, not on the pain, so I find that if I'm not thinking about it I don't notice it as much. My sister-in-law also got really bad cramps and what she found that worked for her was drinking tea. She uses a medicinal tea for women, she found that it significantly reduced her pain from cramps.

I also excessive every week and only weigh 115. And hate coffee

Hi I'm tiffany I found out a great way to relieve cramps, I normally sit in a warm(or hot) bath It makes me feel much better

Sheila, Yeah I understand you. It has some side affects. When I began taking it for the first three months, I got such mood swings! I used to cry for nothing or get angry for no reason! But that was till my body became to accept it. But for the rest it helps so much!

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