10 Signs You're Ready to Start a Family ...


10 Signs You're Ready to Start a Family ...
10 Signs You're Ready to Start a Family ...

Starting a family is a big deal. It’s something that should require a lot of planning. It’s something that can literally happen overnight, yet, it takes 9 months to create. Below, I am going to give you 10 signs you’re ready to start a family…

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You’re Constantly Thinking about Kids

You’re Constantly Thinking about Kids Photo Credit: -Angela

You can’t seem to get the thought of having kids off of your mind. All you can do is think of them. You want to start a family. If your spouse is also ready, then this is a sign that it’s time.


You Found the One You Want to Spend Your Life with

You Found the One You Want to Spend Your Life with Photo Credit: twnklmoon

You have been seeing the guy for some time now and you are even married to him. He seems to be Mr. Right for you and he’s the one you want to have as the father of your children. Then the two of you should sit down and talk about starting a family.


You’re Financially Fit

You’re Financially Fit Photo Credit: Roby©

You need to be financially fit. Are you able to pay all of your bills without worrying about where the next batch of money is going to come from? If you can’t do this, then how do you think you can afford diapers and all that other good baby stuff? If you’re financially fit, then you may be ready.


You Have a Big Enough Home

You Have a Big Enough Home Photo Credit: www.NorthAtlantaHomes.o rg

Your home is big enough. You have room for a baby. In fact, you have your nursery room already picked out. Yep, you’re ready.


You Are Ready to Take Some Time off of Work

You Are Ready to Take Some Time off of Work Photo Credit: .:Michelle.Cordes:.

Of course, everyone is ready to take some time off of work, but are you fully ready? Will you be able to? Will there be any problems with it?


You Have Been Doing a Lot of Research

You Have Been Doing a Lot of Research Photo Credit: jijis

Lately, you find yourself looking up everything and anything on baby care. You are researching how to have a healthy pregnancy and the whole nine yards. If you’re doing this, then you are more than likely ready!


You Have Been Looking up Cribs

You Have Been Looking up Cribs Photo Credit: Little Starling Photography by Lauri

It seems that you have the crib already picked out. You also have the babies first pajamas picked out. You love the thought of buying a crib. Yes, you’re ready.


You Have Baby Names Picked out

You Have Baby Names Picked out Photo Credit: Limitz

Okay, so many pick their baby names out before they are ready. However, if you have the names picked out and you have these other signs, then you are ready to start a family. So, what names do you have picked out?


You Love the Thought of Being a Mom

You Love the Thought of Being a Mom Photo Credit: digitalART2

Of course, if you do not like the thought of being a mom and you cannot see yourself being a mom, then you are not ready. However, if you enjoy the thought of being a mom, then you may be ready.


You Adore Children and Are Responsible

You Adore Children and Are Responsible Photo Credit: Emily Szettella

You are responsible and know that when the kids are born, you will be there to protect and watch after them. You have no problem with this. You also adore children and think a lot of them. Then, with the other signs, you are ready.

Those are 10 signs you are ready to start a family. So many people start a family when they are not ready and this leads to a lot of problems. So, do you think you are ready?

Top Photo Credit: Creative Mommy

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