10 Fit Female Celebs Who Will You Work out with?


10 Fit Female Celebs Who Will You Work out with?
10 Fit Female Celebs Who Will You Work out with?

For some of us, having a workout buddy is one of the best ways to get our body moving. Not only will a workout buddy help you forget your body's pain, he or she will also keep you motivated. Now imagine having a popular girl friend and getting a chance to work out with her. Which fit famous friend will you have?

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Bootylicious like Beyonce

Bootylicious like Beyonce She may always look perfect on stage but Beyonce admits that she works real hard to stay in shape. I bet working out with her will be full of feel-good music.


Run and Move on

Run and Move on Reese Witherspoon is a regular LA jogger. Running is a good workout to do with a friend and I will not mind working up a sweat with the lovely Reese.


Mom is a Secret Agent

Mom is a Secret Agent Remember Jennifer Garner on Alias? Man, she was fit! The great thing about working out with her is that she seems like a great girl friend. Not only will she be wonderful in the gym, she will also share recipes, parenting tips, etc.


Get Centered

Get Centered Jennifer Aniston is famous for her love for yoga, among other things. Coupled with a bit of cardio, her workout routine seems to be one of the best in Hollywood. Oh, to be (almost) 40 and look just as good. *SIGH*


Scary Addicted

Scary Addicted Scary Spice Mel B. claims to be addicted to exercise. She does 600 sit ups and is fond of army workouts. Okay, this is one workout buddy who will beat my body to a pulp.


Best Bod

Best Bod Jessica Biel, in my opinion, is among thefittest in Hollywood today. I will workout with her simply to know her secrets.


Madge's Workout Buddy

Madge's Workout Buddy Gwyneth Paltrow, lifestyle guru (to the wealthy?), is one fit American in London. It's no surprise since she and Madonna used to share a trainer. She also does fasting and other crazy health stuff. Do you think working out with her will do your body good?


Jennifer Love's Lovelier Body

Jennifer Love's Lovelier Body We've all seen how Jennifer Love dealt with the media's criticism of her heavier frame. She took charge and gained her healthier body back. Her story is inspiring.


The Ultimate Angel

The Ultimate Angel Thanks to the Ultimate New York Diet, Heidi Klum graced the Victoria's Secret runway show only 8 weeks after giving birth in 2006. These days, however, she claims that she is no longer as strict about getting back in shape. But looking as great as she is now (even after the new baby), it seems hard to believe her.


Physical and Material Girl

Physical and Material Girl Material girl Madonna is famous for her rigorous exercise regimen. She has the best equipment and the best people working for her. Having her as a workout buddy might be a tad intimidating, though.

*7 Ways to Work Out While Traveling …

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Beyonce has the curviest body I've ever seen! (in a good way) I'd hate to be Scary spice's buddy, she looks like she could pummel me! I'd be no good competing against her.

I would definitely pick Jennifer Aniston......Cardio work makes you lose fat and yoga is good for streching muscles after workout, brings balance in your body, relaxes you, not to mention that shapes body...What else do we need?

I tend to have a curvier body, so I would work out with Beyonce. We have the same body type.

Jenn Garner! I adore her, and she has AMAZING legs!

No one wants to work out with Madonna? Hahaha

I think I'd want to work out with Reese Witherspoon - I absolutely adore her!! :)

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