8 Benefits of Riding a Bike ...


8 Benefits of Riding a Bike ...
8 Benefits of Riding a Bike ...

A British politician famously once told the unemployed to ‘get on your bike’ and find work. This didn’t go down too well, but there are numerous other reasons for jumping on your bike and pedalling off. Try these for size.

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Cycling is Environmentally Friendly

Cycling is Environmentally Friendly No fuel, no fumes, and you’re not contributing to traffic queues. Biking is the way to go for a nature lover.

Photo Credit: claresiobhan


It’s Great for Your Health

It’s Great for Your Health Cycling gives your body a good workout and will help you get fit. If you’re feeling a bit down, it certainly gets those endorphins going.

Photo Credit: Chris[topher] Lin

Frequently asked questions


Cycling Beats Traffic Jams

Cycling Beats Traffic Jams Just imagine how smug you will feel as you sail past the frustrated motorists stuck in queues.

Photo Credit: 27147


Having a Bike Saves Money

Having a Bike Saves Money We can all do with cutting back on expenses in these difficult times, and even if you need a car for other purposes, it’s more economical to leave it at home for short journeys. If you can do without it altogether, all the better.

Photo Credit: SophieMuc


It’s a Quick and Cheap Way of Getting to Work

Why not encourage your employers to offer facilities for cyclists?

Photo Credit: flowerwine

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It’s Nicer to Be in the Fresh(ish) Air than Stuck on a Crowded Bus or Train

It’s Nicer to Be in the Fresh(ish) Air than Stuck on a Crowded Bus or Train You also save time otherwise spent waiting for buses to turn up, and the bike will take you door to door.

Photo Credit: pixel.eight


We All Benefit from Increased Use of the Bike

Less pollution and traffic, together with improved health, is good for society as a whole.

Photo Credit: rhukill


A Bike is Cheap to Buy and Maintain

A Bike is Cheap to Buy and Maintain You needn’t spend a lot on buying one for normal road use. Nor will you be shelling out for road tax, fuel, expensive servicing or huge repair bills.

Photo Credit: cleebster

So are you convinced? Will you be getting on your bike? What’s the best thing about cycling for you?

Top Photo Credit: Chris[topher] Lin

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the best of all? IT'S SO MUCH FUN!

Biking is fun and if your town has biking routes, it's a great way to explore new areas. You'll see things that you miss while driving or even walking.

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