10 Tips for Using the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa ...


10 Tips for Using the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa ...
10 Tips for Using the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa ...

Have you decided to buy the machine, or have you already got it? It’s selling fast all over the world, and is set to be a huge summer seller. Here are my top ten tips...

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Stand up to the Demonstrator ...

If you haven’t yet bought the product, make sure that you stand up to the demonstrator. Doing just one side of your face to show you the difference is standard practise, but never doing the other side isn’t. Don’t get pressured into buying a machine simply because you feel you look odd!!


Become a Distributor!

If your mum, your sister and your best friend are interested, sign up to become a Nu Skin distributor and you’ll get 30% off the retail price, and joining is free!


Make Your Gels Last ...

You can dilute half a vial of treatment with distilled water to make them last twice as long.


Use Your E-mail ...

Sign up for Nu Skin to update you via email about new products. Now you’ll be sure not to miss the launches of any new treatments or any discount that they might be having in the future!


Experiment ...

You can also use different treatments instead of the Nu Skin ones. Some people swear by L'Oreal’s collagen refiller, but Olay is equally as popular.


Hydrate Your Skin Afterwards ...

Make sure you have a good quality moisturizer to apply afterwards, to prevent your skin getting dehydrated.


Use It Religiously ...

Using the system twice a week, regularly, will mean that you have a much longer lasting fresh faced look.


Go Natural ...

Completely run out of treatments? Try using olive oil, which is reported to give the same results but on a much more temporary basis.


Fight off Cellulite ...

For the most amazing results, team regular spa usage with Athena cellulite products.


Make It Social ...

Invite your friends round for a spa day. Light candles, sip wine and enjoy the treatments together! Who knows, you might even make some sales out of it!

This spa system is the most up to date system around at present, so make sure you read the instructions, but also have fun with it, and see exactly what it can do! Have you got a tip on using this spa? Please let me know!
More Fabulous Posts on Nu Skin Galvanic Spa:
- Nu Skin Galvanic Spa Review ...

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

would like tips on using galvanic spa, the gels are expensive and troublesome to get, like to know whatelse can be used and how. thanks

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